65th Ride

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Author's Note: This was already on my draft a few days ago but I only got the chance to edit this now. I just got too busy will all the stuffs and festivities. And for the past few days, I found myself stuck on another platform. I'm seriously considering writing on that said website, however, that would mean that I'll have lesser time with watty. Well, everything is still under consideration. We'll never know what happens in the future.

Make Me Come song of the day: 그 XX (That XX) by G-Dragon

PS: Sundays is always our day.

PPS: Perhaps the poem is familiar to some of you guys. *winks*


My mind was still on it's constant battle whether I'll let Dan know about Dee or not. Seeing her in this kind of state, it might not be easy for her to meet them again.

She won't trembling in fear for nothing. Her lips won't quiver in fear for nothing. Her eyes won't pool with tears in fear for nothing.

She's traumatized.

And he did this to her.

What have you done Dan?

I touched her cheeks and caressed it. Her eyes were automatically shut in the tightest way they could.

My god! I barely touched her but she's crying in fear!

It breaks my heart that the sweet girl I once knew turned out to be like this.

And it breaks my heart even more that I know who brought her into this state. It's the man I love who made her into this. It was him.

I knelt in front of her to match my head with hers. "Dee, I want you to know that you have my side. I won't tell Dan or Gab that I've seen you."

I saw how her fear vanished right in front of my eyes. She's really avoiding them.

"However, I want you to come with me." She immediately shook her head with the idea. "Please Dee, I want you safe too. I can't assure you your safety if you'll stay away from me. I need to see you every now and then."

I felt responsible for her. If I hadn't bumped unto her, she won't be recalling whatever happened in the past. It appears to me that she's living her life here quite well and just because of a single interaction, I brought out all the monsters of her past.

"Dee, we we're friends before, right?" I held her hands and clutch it tightly. "Don't you trust me? I used to be your friend."

"But you're friends with him." She bit her lower lip and fixed her gaze on the floor upon spilling what's on her mind.

There's no sense on lying now. "Yes, I'm still friends with him. But I want to protect you too. I know what he did to you. I just didn't expect that you'll end up..." I can't even say the right words to describe her situation right now.

They made her this way. If it's not because of what happened in the past, she wouldn't have been living her life this way.

I held her hand. "Think about it Dee. I won't be forcing you to come with me. Just think about it." I opened my clutch bag and handed her one of my phones. "Here, my number's saved there. Call me if ever you have your decision."

"I can't-"

"Please, Dee, consider it first. I meant what I said when I told you that I'll protect you. Think about it."

She nodded silently. I stood up and helped her stood from the floor too. "I have to go. Please contact me whatever your decision will be."

She nodded again in silence.

Make Me ComeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon