Ninth Cliché | Taehyung

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I looked at grandfather. He had called me after dinner and tea to his office. I had trudged slowly making my way to his office and had knocked three times precisely with determination.

One thing about grandfather was that he hated when things were dawdled. I was included in those things. It was though not a total bad thing because I learned to be specific, determined and quick in action.

I stood in front of me as he continued to stare at me with hard frozen eyes. I kept my eyes looking at the edge of the desk as I waited for him to speak first.

It was obvious that whatever he needed to say was serious. It was also probably why he was angry and he needed to address it. Without him saying or him shooting angry glares af me through dinner and teatime I had known his object of anger was because of me. I was really the only one that frustrated him and easily irked him.

The usual calm, charismatic leader and chairman of Victory Group was not so easily moved nor shocked. The only exception apparently was me. Yet to have discovered the true reason why I was the exception...but I was sure some day I would. I already had ideas on why grandfather was not always so pleased with me.


My answer from him was papers and pictures thrown at me by him. Despite the physical damages or pain was little, it did not change the fact that it angered me. I bit my tongue forcing myself to stay in my place.

"Explain!" His words sharp and hissing through his teeth. The decibel kept fairly low so grandmother's attention would not be caught.

I examined the papers in front of my left foot. It was a report.

Probably a weekly report that grandfather received about me from the private eye or whoever was in charge of following and keeping an eye on me. The report seemed fairly detailed with bullet points of the exact time and date noted with my activity that was described.

I took my eyes further to look at one the post from the website. To be specific, it was some student mentioning how the game of 'Marked' had begun once more. Which technically was not true.

Next was a picture of Mia whose back was shown. Not a picture of her face was among her pictures, which I had made sure immediately with my scanning eyes. I still knew it was her though.

There was a picture...the picture was of her from a few days ago. She had been wearing the blue navy beanie and I was standing before her with my smirk on my face as she stood rather small in front of me. The picture did no justice to what she had actually looked like during the confrontation.

"Who is she?" He was imaptient. "The girl in the picture?"

"No one." I replied.

He scoffed, his eyes beady and reflecting the obvious dislike for me. "Lie."

He didn't believe me in the first place I was not sure why he asked. I was positive that he already knew everything. He knew me well. And I knew him too.

I was like him in some ways. Vicious, determined, impatient and manipulative. I had learned from the best. Him...

"No one. I'm not lying. She's not anyone. Not yet." I met grandfather in the eye as I️ explained. Hopefully whatever was going in my head would not go against me later. "She's marked in a way but it's nothing you need to worry about grandfather."

"Not good enough."

I picked up the picture that held Mia's profile. Looking at it I took the time to remember that day. "I meant what I said. She's nothing yet because she had yet to become anything." I explained slowly.

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