Sixty-sixth Cliché | Jimin

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What a nice day it was...

So nice, the sun was shining and it was warm, and I was cool in the Lodge where the AC was fully turned on to cool the place down. It was also quiet as most everyone was elsewhere. Taehyung since he was sick was no where to be seen except in his private suite. Jungkook went back home because of business related stuff. Jin and Namjoon Hyung went to some conference thing and lastly Yoongi Hyung was recently busy as he was nearly reaching his graduation and would now have to take over sooner or later at the university.


I was just enjoying my freedom, peace and quiet.

"Jimin! Park!" I flinched as a lovely but high pitched voice screamed and pulled at my ear. My peaceful day had been interrupted.

"What?" I asked. I really don't remember what I had done recently that deserved a screaming from her. That is other than Mia's near-drowning incident. That still came in my nightmares.

"Why do you think I'm here?" Layla rolled her eyes, her pretty glossed lips puckered up in frustration. At least in my eyes, she was frustrated. It didn't change how pretty the girl was.

"It's rare for Ms. Layla to come see little old me." I smiled at her. She was always fun for me to tease. But for some reason, Layla never liked me. Not even a bit.

"You are little. But I didn't come to see you. I can here because of our little discussion from before." Layla hissed as she looked around the room. Most likely checking for Taehyung's presence but he wasn't here so it was safe to talk—scream even.

"Ouch..." I winced physically once she said I was little, but Layla just rolled her eyes at me and waited for me impatiently. She really knew how to hit someone's pain, saying I'm little. It hurt...

I sighed as I laid back on the sofa. It was nice and comfortable.

"Jimin..." Layla growled like a tiger. She was terrifying so I straightened up and waited for her to sit across from me on the sofa. "No, I'm not sitting."

"'re just going to stand there while we talk." I really wanted to know why she disliked me so much. I was so likable.

I was nice, charming, and pretty handsome. What was to not like?

"No, we aren't going to talk. You are going to be listening." Layla emphasized the words that she wanted to get the point across, but it was not necessary. With her, there was always a point, and she got to it with a jab. She did not do anything wishy-washy.

I listened to her as she spoke. All she said was valid points. All she had was hunches, but still very valid.

"It's a long shot, Layla." I finally spoke after a while. "It's not stable yet. How do you expect him to accept all that—even if all you said is most likely true."

There is always a chance that it may have to opposite effect but Jimin, this needs to move along." Taehyung has been recently too happy and Layla was afraid that it was temporary—I was too. In order for it to become something more stable in Taehyung's life, she needed him to have his revelation now and I agreed...except that Taehyung wasn't like other normal people. He didn't accept things easily, normally. 

"I don't think it's bad to take it slow. What's wrong with taking their relationship slow?" I asked, usually Layla was not the type to rush anything. She was calculative—in a good way.

"You know every time I see them, the sexual tension is way high!" Layla stared at me, her annoyance getting even higher as she was thinking about it.

The sexual tension between them, I must say, was horrendous. Like it made me hot and annoyed. It frustrated me that they have yet to just rut.

"Why?" Thinking about it, I don't know why Taehyung and Mia had such sexual tension between them. It was really strange. Taehyung was a sexually active, healthy man...and he wasn't the type to hold back in his time at night.

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