Twentieth Cliché

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FYI: This was awkward for me to write. I don't know why but it was. Forgive me. I'm just rambling.
Oh also, anything with super mature scenes will have this
->⚠️ this chapter is fine.


"Mark open the door."

Mark sighed as he sat on the ledge before his shoes and the pounding door that was rattling from his girlfriend's rants.

"Mia. Just go." He muttered softly, knowing full well Mia could not hear him.

"I know you're in there! Will you please open the door." Mia continued slamming her hands on the metal door. Mark could see it. Her hands red from her constant banging on his door. He was also glad that his neighbor had recently moved so he was the only one on the floor.

"Mark...if you want to break up, there...are other ways than this. Open the door. Please..." Mia stopped banging on the door. She had been at this for ten minutes.  Her hands were hurting and her voice hoarse. And that didn't even cover how worried she was about him. After Jungkook's outburst earlier in the day, she had rushed over here as soon as she was able. She had thought it was a joke and had needed to check with her own eyes. That was why she was here causing a ruckus.

"Damn it." Mark got to his feet to unlock the door. "Mia!"

"Finally..." she groaned as she pouted and punched Mark lightly on the stomach, keeping her eyes on his bare feet.

Mark pulled on Mia's hands to check them. They were red as he suspected and it disappointed him that he had not gone out faster because he had been in the shower before he had noticed the noise at his door.

"Do you know how worried I was?" Mia's soft voice was cracked almost as if she was about to cry.  "You didn't pick up the phone or come to class. And you...I saw you...and when I called out to' just walked away."

"I'm sorry."

"Are you breaking up...?" Mia looked up but Mark pulled her in an embrace.

"No." Mark frowned as he tried to keep his calm. It was harder than he thought it would be. He had never thought to break up with her. "I...Mia I took the day off...because I needed to. I would never..."

Mia lifted her face as she breathed in the refreshing smell of his natural scent that was mingling with his soap and shampoo. It was nice.

She was rubbing her face against his chest just as she did out of habit. This was a natural thing for them that Mark had not thought much in it. He had not thought to even think about what he was hiding from her. Not when she was cuddling up to him so intimately. It had been so long. Almost two weeks since their last intimate hug. Or even just meeting face to face properly. He resented the jerk who had caused him to avoid each other.

Mark had been too busy cursing the male in responsible of their distancing that he had failed to noticed Mia's head peek at him.

"Mark. What is that? Who did that?" Mia gasped as her eyes got a glimpse of his face in the darkness. She was not able to see it clearly but she could tell what it was. She had seen enough.  Her hands pulled away from his waist to move up to his face.

Mark stopped Mia's wondering hands before she could cup his cheek. "Stop. Mia."

"Did someone do this to you?" Jungkook had been right. Jungkook had not lied to her. How had she not known?

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