Eighty-seventh Cliché

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Just as Layla was about to call her partner for the third time on the phone, she saw him coming toward her.

"Finally!" Layla walked up to him, her heels slamming against the concrete as she jolted herself toward him.

"Woah, calm down Ms. Tiger...wait," Jimin tried to console the female but she was much too furious to even see anything but him and his now auburn hair.

"Where were you! I've been in there for thirty minutes listening to—!" Layla stopped abruptly.

"Layla?" Layla's eyes widened as she heard a voice that was not Jimin's. It was a voice she knew well.

"Taehyung?" Layla leaned her head to the side and saw Taehyung standing just behind Jimin. Jimin sighed as Layla glared at him for not stopping her. For Jimin, he had tried.

"Taehyung, I didn't know you were here?" Layla smiled at Taehyung who raised an eyebrow at Layla's sudden change of attitude. It had been a complete change, from how she had just pushed Jimin roughly and how she had spoke to him.

Jimin just shrugged when Taehyung asked silently. He mouthed, "don't ask me."

"I was with Jimin and he dragged me here saying he was hungry for Spanish Tapas." Taehyung nodded when Jimin just told him to not push Layla's buttons. It would be safer for the both of them. Taehyung accepted Layla's moodiness, there was no point in making Layla angry.

"Oh," Layla looked at Taehyung with a blank face and then a very confused face when she looked at Jimin. "Well, then...do you guys want to join me?" Layla did not know what Jimin was planning but, she hoped that it would not be disastrous. In addition, she needed the company. She could not take anymore of Jenny's whiny voice.

"Yes!" Jimin replied without a doubt and pulled the two inside. He already knew that Layla had been sitting so he just pulled the two in together until he saw Mia, but he had also known that she would have been there. It was no surprise because he had been informed before hand by Layla. "Look who it is...it's Mia!" Jimin pretended to be surprised.

Taehyung knew for sure that Jimin should not act as a profession. He was bad at it. And he was bad at lying too. Jimin was an honest person—mostly.

Mia turned at the sound of her voice and her face twisted slightly into fright. She had not yet told Jenny any of the happenings that had led to her and Taehyung's current relationship. Mia knew how much Jenny loved Taehyung too.

Taehyung's stoic face turned a bit amused as he saw Mia's mousy looking expression. The soon to be dinner had turned enjoyable even without the food. That was until he saw the girl next to Mia.

It took some time for Taehyung to realize who the girl was. Her silver hair was eye catching, unnatural and the way her eyes stared at him bothered him greatly. Then after getting closer and closer to the table, he realized that he did in fact know the girl. She had been the entire reason why he met Mia. He could see trouble coming without having to know because she was not supposed to have come back home at all. She was not supposed to be here.

As they arrived closer to the table, Jimin could tell that the tension was like a volcano about to erupt. There was also multiple tensions going on and the only one that had no 'beef' was him. It was very dangerous and Jimin did not want to be stuck in the middle but he was forced to. Layla was not going to allow him wimp out.

"Everyone looks good..." Jimin drawled, his words forced out awkward. It was going to be a long night for him. Looking at Jenny, the new face, Jimin asked, "Who are you?" Jimin clenched his jaws together when Layla pinched his thighs. "Never seen you before, do you know Mia?"

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