Seventy-fifth Cliché | Mark

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Bad news first...
This book will end in Season 4! And without getting to their first time together. I apologize, I know I promised something hot but it won't happen in this book because this book is ending.

Good news...
There will be book 2! Like Disc 2, with season 5 and etc.
There will be 🍋 and it won't end in one chapter. Rejoice my Boos who were looking for lemony goodness! It is coming.

So if you wanted more of Love Cliché, it will not be ending so easily!

I may even get to a few more characters and their love story. Who are you interested in?

💜💛💜HAHA KIM💜💛💜


My life can be easily explained like this: complicated.

That was my life then, and it was my life now.

If I begin my story from the very beginning it would be long and boring because my beginning would be easily summed up in one word: Mafia.

It was better to begin with my story with Mia Jung.

I first saw her in high school. She had come to visit her parents one summer. It had been purely by chance that I had seen her. Mia had been there solely there to read a book.

For three days, she had been at the library, same time, same place, same sofa in the back. I had not really thought much about her other than that she was interesting.

She was not pretty, she was not feminine, but there was something behind her that was alluring, womanly about hers. She couldn't seduce someone out right, but she was a magnet.

And I was her willing victim to the pull that she had.

I saw her at the library, and she saw me. But she did not know me. I had platinum blond hair that I had bleached several times, and my eyes were always dark and my clothes always disheveled. I had no care to be part of the crowd. I had no desire to be accepted by society. And that was fine with me. When you were part of the mafia, you weren't part of society.

Mia, at the time, had looked at me, just a glance really and went back to her reading. She spoke to me once, her voice reprimanding as she told my friends and I to hush. She did not care for the outward appearances. All she cared for was the quietness of the library.

She had not feared or ostracized us. I appreciated that.

When Mia's eyes saw me, she saw me for who I was. Not who I was supposed to be. I did not have to force myself to be anyone.


When I was with her, I was not bound by my father's name nor my family's name.

I was bound to uphold the mafia's way and I was fine with that. If it was my destiny I would take it. And I had known that was my future since I was born. There was no room for argument.

That's why, a few years later, when I had almost forgotten about her, I was given a mission for survival.

My mission was to blend in.

I was to be no one and what better person to be with then a person who aspire to be normal.


Falling in love with Mia had not been part of the plan. It had not been the mission. In the first place the mission was to keep me from harm. It was to hide me in plain sight.

The mission was to stabilize an identity as normal as possible. My goal was to hide in plain site so my enemies could not get me. It just so happened that they suggested me to be in a relationship and amongst the choices of girls given to me...Mia was one of them. had been purely chosen because of her special background, because of her desire to be unnoticed and unseen. She had purely been chosen by chance, but when I saw that it was her, it had been nearly impossible to not choose her. When I had agreed to this life of normalcy I had thought that I would be bored to death, that was until I saw that my partner in crime would be Mia.

Mia had never known because I had never told Mia who I was. I told her what I was told to say. I told her my cover, and she trusted me.

It was a cover, but it was not completely false, because my father did own the publishing companies. Someday I thought I would break it to her, when all things would pass, but as my time with her moved on, I realized that I did not want to move on. I had become attached to the life of a normal human being, acting like a normal male with adequate money, and power.

Life with Mia was so normal, it was enjoyable.

With time...the Mark that I was became Mia's Mark.


"We will finish for today, Young Master."

I huffed as the last punch was shared. Training was easy, we were starting slowly, getting my body back into shape.

"You have something to say to me, no?" I watched the elder man watch me with his keen eyes that was full of wisdom. All the men around me with age had that look in their eyes. It was something that all the older males had, in their old age, they were either hardened with experience, or

"Your skills are fine. It's your heart. Whatever is inside of you, you need to let it go. You cannot keep festering this inside of you."

"Perhaps...but it's why I came back." I sighed as the images of that night played in my head over and over again. As if it was on replay, my mind would not relax. It would not let me be to forget. It would awaken my sleepy my mind until it became a nightmare that haunted me.

"Then I cannot say to throw it away, but you musn't let that rule you. Young sir, letting it take control of you is dangerous." He walked with me, his presence giving me reprieve from the thoughts. "You may lose your life. And that is something our family cannot have."

"Someday...perhaps later, I will tell you, but for now, I need to let this fuel me. I need to come back from what I had been. I need to return back to a time that I don't even remember." My words seemed to drain me.

It should have been like second nature to me—being me, but it was harder and harder to change back.

"I don't remember how to be me anymore. Shoji, I remember it life here. It was only a few years ago, but I'm lost. I don't know how to"

"Then...take it as a mission." Shoji's crinkled eyes showed wisdom. "Have you ever failed a mission, your sir?"

"No." It was true I had never failed the missions given to me.

"Then this will be the last mission I give you, young master," Shoji chuckled, "I am old, this will be my last mission for you, reign as you might, the seat is yours. But be happy, for your happiness is the family's legacy."

"Shoji...sometimes, you speak in riddles to spite me don't you?"

"I would not dare." He chuckled as he and I walked inside the house.

He chuckled as he looked at me with eyes of wisdom that seemed to know all, as if he was omniscient.

"Your Master, you have gotten older! You think too much. Stay true to yourself and your heart, for you will always be the head of this family."

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