Sixtieth Cliché

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Taehyung turned his eyes toward Jimin who stood his teeth biting his fingernails. He had never meant for this to happen. He had just wanted Mia fo have fun. He had just wanted Taehyung to get jealous.

And for Mia to lighten up.

"Jimin!" Taehyung screamed and Jimin visibly screamed.

"I'm sorry..."

"What were you thinking!" Taehyung shouted, his ears red. He was furious, absolutely furious.

"I-I-she—I didn't know!" Jimin had a pout as he watched the girl choke out the water that was in her lungs. He was finally able to relax—just a bit—when Mia began breathing again.

"Thank God." Jungkook let out a relief-filled sigh as he saw the water come out from her mouth and her chest moving again as air rushed back into her lungs.

"She could have died! What the hell were you thinking?" Taehyung screamed, his voice booming as he glared hatefully at Jimin.

Jimin felt horrible. He really did. And he knew why Taehyung was responding so explosively. He could not even look at Layla for help.

"Taehyung calm down." Namjoon said softly in order to relax the livid younger male. He, Jin and Yoongi has come over as soon as Mia had splashed into the water. The screaming grabbing their attention.

Yoongi understood, and considering the close relationship that he and Mia was beginning to have. He knew everything about Taehyung, just like the rest, which was why Jimin was feeling so guilty on top of feeling bad for almost drowning Mia.

"I'm okay." Mia weakly said as she regained her breath, her eyes pushing away the salty tears from her ears.

Still Taehyung was so livid and he could not hear Mia's soft voice. As her eyes gained her surroundings again and heard the anger in Taehyung's voice and Jimin's teary eyes, she felt horrible.

All this for her lack of skill in swimming.

When she looked up at Jungkook desperately, her heart still pounding against her chest, he tried to stop her from moving too quickly when she was fill hurling from almost drowning. Mia watched for a bit longer before she noticed Yoongi's look in his eyes. His eyes also told her that there was no one who could stop Taehyung from his anger if not for the person who almost died—her.

It's only you...Yoongi had told her. The only one able to save Jimin was her.

"I'm okay. Taehyung stop!" Mia moved and grabbed at Taehyung's large hand. Taehyung turned away from Jimin to see who had grabbed him. When he saw it was Mia who had interrupted him, he kneeled to get closer to Mia.

Everyone watched as Taehyung's eyes softened when he saw Mia's tears in her eyes. Her wet body, the shirt clinging to her, shivering from the waters. He needed to check with his own hands and eyes. Her face was frozen, her lips colorless.

"You-!" Taehyung stopped when Mia's arms looped around his neck grabbing unto him as if he was the only thing that she could grab.

Mia pulled Taehyung to her. His fisted fingers loosened as he felt the soft beating of Mia's heart. He felt the warmth return to her cold body and he could feel his hazy head return to its normal. The only thoughts in his head were quiete simple.

Why was he so angry? Why had he reacted such way and screamed at Jimin? Why did he calm down at something so simple as a hug? All thoughts that did not matter when Mia was in his arms—alive.

"Taehyung...please don't. I'm fine." She whispered, fear clearly evident in her frail voice. She could still feel the saltiness from the water that she had swallowed but his hateful anger was even more fear striking.

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