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Hi guys back with the chpt and yes u will get 1 more chp tonight as im very happy today so here u go...

From one end anika was running and from other end shivaay was coming both did nt see each other and collided..

Anika-plzz save me from him! (pointing behind)
She was crying continuesly and also scared that she got faint in arms of shivaay.

Shivaay-Anika , anika open ur eyes what happened..
Shivaay saw red marks on her neck , hand and shoulder he understood that someone from the college tried to misbehave with her.He immediately picked anika in his arms and called arnav they took her to raizada mansion as it was near.

In Raizada Mansion..

Shivaay took anika to her room and made her sleep on bed while arnav called doctor.

Arnav felt guilty that he could nt protect her oreo and he had tears in his eyes shivaay consoled him that it is nt his mistake.

Shivaay -Arnav its nt at all ur fault bro, we have to find person who misbehaved with her!right now she needs u . u have to be stong

Arnav- u r right i have 2 be strong, and i will kill that person who did this to her.

Till time doctor examined and advised to arnav that she is fine some bruises r there as someone tried to misbehave with her.she needs rest and complete care.
Till time arnav went to leave doctor till gate and shivaay sat near anika and gently stroked her hair...anika just gain conciousness and hug the person near her and cried vigorously.

Anika - that person(sobs) took me in room and tried to kiss me (crying) i hit him and ran out and....again she fainted due to weakness and medicine effect.

Shivaay who was listening all this clenched his fist and anger was shown in his eyes but also hugged back and gently stroke her back and placed her on bed and left the room.

Shivaay pov
I was walking in corridor suddenly anika collided and fainted in my arms .i could see red marks on her hands and neck anger rose in me ,i called arnav and v took her to home their when i was sitting near her suddenly she hugged me and started crying and telling wht happened with her i was feeling like my heart pained seeing her in suxh state .I have to find him and kill him for doing this to anika and i promise u anika i will always protect u.

Both arnav and shivaay made plan ..(secret)

And when shivaay went home he narrated the incident to both omru and rudy was hel angry..and both also joined hand in plan....

In Raizada Mansion..
Nxt day..

Arnav went in his princess room to wake her up with her favourite dish Aloo puri..

Arnav- Gm oreo ,how r u feeling

Anika-Gm bhaiya , im much better .bhaiya what r u hiding behind?show

Arnav- here u go ur favourite aloo puri

Anika -wow, she gave him tight hug and sweet cheek kiss and said i love u baiya

Arnav-luv u 2 oreo ,and...

Anika-what baiya still in her aloo puri
Arnav had tears in his eyes he could nt go beyond and..

Anika looked up and said bhaiya y r u crying i said something wrong,sry plz dont cry.

Arnav- u did nothing wrong princess im sry i could not protect u from that bastard..

Anika- bhaiya plzz dont feel guilty its nt ur fault and now i know how to handle that cheapda in my way ur khidkitod anika is back just wait and watch bhaiya .now i will do tai tai phiss of his.(said with cute angry face)

Arnav(chuckled)- kk my jhasi ki rani have breakfast get ready soon v have to go to college ,kk.

Anika -kk baiya and ty for aloo puri really yummy!
Arnav went out of room and called shivaay then both left for college.

Guys thats for now now u will soon get how shivika became friends,tai tai phiss of daksh,and obro moment.

Wait for tonight chp and 4 now enjoy this.Do vote and comment.

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