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Giys here u go with nxt chp....

As anika was walking towards shivaay she did not see glass pieces ahead her eyes were only on shivaay by mistake she placed her foot on that glass pieces stuck in her foot causing her scream in pain she could nt walk ahead she just fell on the ground hitting her head to nearby stone and she winced in pain holding her head.

Their shivaay saw a figure fall down and screamed by voice he could recognise it was anika .He ran their and was shock to see blood coming out from anikas forehead and glass pieces stuck in her bare foot causing blood flow.

Shivaay-anika what happened this blood(paniked)

Anika-(tears flowing from her eyes) shivaay....

He immediately picked anika in his arms and went to his penthouse in his room seeing no one is disturbed.He made anika gently lay on bed.

Anika was crying vigorously as she was wincing in pain.
Shivaay could not see her like this he just hugged her tight and told her to be strong.

He slowly removed glass piece one by one from foot and anika was crying very much.shivaay could not handle this so he used a trick he gave anika a sweet cheek kiss which was shock for her..she forgot about the pain and was still nt moving taking opportunity shivaay fastly first -aid her foot .
And also her forehead.

Seeing his effect on her shivaay smirked. He brought anika out of thoughts and asked her what was need to cme at beach late night even when she got sprain in her leg.

Anika-(innocently) after v came to penthouse i did nt find u anywhere nor did u pick up my call so i got worried for u so i came in search of u.

Shivaay-(thinking she is so innocent)i'm sry anika i did nt inform u and nxt time dont pull out this type of stunts ,kk.

Anika-kk mr .bagadbilla

Shivaay-hey paanika dont call me that.

Anika-shivaay plzz dont spoil my name and yes cme here ...

Shivaay came near her she gently placed a soft kiss on his cheek and said thankyou shivaay.

Shivaay was shocked with kiss.He gently placed his hand on his cheek where she gave him sweet kiss and blushed.

Both shivaay and anika blushed and were not able to look into each others eyes.

To avoid it shivaay told her to take rest here only on bed and he will sleep on couch later they both wished each other goodnight and slept but sleep was far away from both as they were remembering their moment and blushing.

Anika pov..

Omg i kissed shivaay😌 but when i got hurt i could see pain in his eyes he was so worried for me.He hugged me when i was crying due to pain and he also kissed me i was shock and by the time i came out of thoughts he had did my first aid thats so sweet of him!anika touched her cheek and blushed and slowly drifted into deep slumber.

Shivaay pov....

I was sitting near beach when i saw someone coming near me but suddenly that person fell down and scream i recognise the voice and ran their and was shock to see anika as she was wincing in pain due to glass pieces stuck in her foot and also blood cming out of forehead.I picked her up and took her to my room she was crying continuesly i could nt see her i took her into hug and also to distract her i gave her kiss i know she was shocked even i was shocked but taking advantage of situation i did her first aid and to my surprise she kissed me and thanked me..i was like on cloud nine.
With all this thoughts shivaay drifted into sleep with smile on his lips.

N morning eveyone was shock to see anika in shivaay room.Both told them about incident arnav became hell angry.

Arnav-(full angry mode) anika how many times i have told u to take care of urself.(all were stunned with arnavs behaviour or i can say scared) anika had tears in her eyes.

Anika-baiya i'm s....

Before anika cold say arnav interuppted.

Arnav-nt a word more anika and went out leaving crying anika.

Anika went inside blanket and sobbed and cried silently all went out of room in search oof arnav.

They found arnav sitting backside in gardern alone crying.mallika was stunned to see arnav crying.

All went beside him seeing all of them coming  he wiped his tears. Shivaay came their and sat beside him and said..

Shivaay-it was nt anikas fault she just came to see me as she was worried for me its nt her mistake.its my mistake i'm sry.(lowered head)

Arnav- no shivaay its nt ur fault but anika she does nt understand if something happens to her then!i know she is childish and mature at same time but still she does nt take care of herself.

Om-u r correct and u r concerned abot her but u should have not talk to her like this.

Mallika-yea arnav she is very delicate especially when it comes to u , u should have made her understand but nt shout at her like this.

Rudy-yes bhaiya first time i saw tears in anika didis eyes nt because u scolded her but because seeing u hurt.

Shivaay- i think u should go and say sry to her and talk to her.

Arnav- u r right guys i'll just go to princess and say sry to her.

Arnav went back to room to apologize to anika.He opened the door and saw that.....

Precap:-Arnav saw blood on floor and anika missing.

Where is anika?is she fine?blood.........

Guys guess where is anika? How will they find her?

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