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Here u go nxt chp enjoy reading....

As shivaay was moving closer anika was blushing highly she slightly pushed shivaay and ran out but in time shivaay caught hold of her and back hugged her.

Shivaay-anika baby u r blushing..aww so cute.

Anika-shivaay ..(blushing) let me go.

Tightening his grip around her waist.

Shivaay-not so soon anika ,show me what u brought for me from paris.

Anika-shivaay how come u know(pout).

Turning her giving peck on her cheeks i know everything baby..

She went out and brought royale blue colour 3 piece suit for him.

Shivaay-anika its just wow.

Anika-i know i made it exclusive for u did u like it.

Shivaay- i loved it anika (hugged her)

Anika-shivaay go and wear it i want go see how it looks on u.


Shivaay went inside to change he came outside..

Shivaay went inside to change he came outside

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Anika was drooling over him .He saw that and smirked he went towards her pulled her closer by her waist and asked huskily..
Anika how am i looking.

Anika-nervous due to their closeness(stammering)u look good.

Shivaay -only good (pulling her more closer)

Anika-shi..vaay u go and change she literally pushed shivaay inside and blushed.

After that both shivaay and anika sat near poolside talking about how they missed each other talking of their buissness stuff, anika slept on shivaay shoulder as she was tired due to travelling.
Shivaay saw this and smiled he took anika in his arms and made way to his room he placed her on bed and covered her with duvet without disturbing her sleep he placed kiss on her forehead and left to study room to complete his work.

After sometime anika woke up she remembered she is in shivaays room.
she got up and went in search of shivaay.

(Guys introducing new charachter TIA but with a twist.😝)

Their in hall shivaay was waiting for her friend cum sister TIA.. 

Tia arrived-Hi shivaay baby

Shivaay-tia,(hugged her) how r u.

Tia-i'm fine shivaay baby.

Shivaay-did u talk to ur mom regarding dushyant.

Tia- not yet i'm worried plzz u talk to her she will definately listen to u.

Shivaay-how cme i

Tai-plzz shivaay baby...plzz(making puppy face)

Shivaay-kk tia

Tia-ty ,i love u shivaay baby.

Shivaay-love u too tia

This i love u scene was listen and seen by anika.
Tears started flowing through her eyes ahe did nt know why she just ran inside room and cried.

(Guys anika only listened to i love u and ran inside room she did nt hear what shivaay told after that)

Shivaay-(at that time) u know i can do anything for my sister.

In shivaay room- anika stood up - anika shivaay is ur good friend but he loves someone else its kk u should be happy for him.

By saying this anika went out of mansion by backside door.

Shivaay who just entered the room did nt see anika in room he saw a chit placed near table and went to read it.

I have to go urjently to paris im going by ,c u soon ..sry for nt meeting u and going by take care.

With love

Shivaay sat on bed reading this he felt sad that anika went back without meeting him but he shrugged off his thoughts and decided to call her she did nt pick her phone..he thought to call her later.

Their anika went to her mansion packed her stuffs and left message for arnav .Anika also nt knew why she was getting affected if shivaay love someone else,she went back to paris with heavy heart and resumed her work.

(Guys anika had got call from her pa that she urjently need to come to paris so she left.

And anika liked shivaay she knew that but she was nt aware that the feeling was love but nt like.)

In these two months anika would ignore to talk to shivvay means she use to cut call and say she has imp work or an excuse of phone battery dead.

Here shivaay was highly frustrated due to anika behaviour he was sure that anika is ignoring him

Shivaay-anika why r u ignoring himself.
But why do i feel like this do i like her...yes i like her that is why i'm feeling restless.But how do i talk to her she is nt picking up my call.oh god plzz hep me.

(And if his wish was granted by god.that time arnav called shivaay and said that is wedding is fixed with mallika.)

Shivaay was on cloud nine as anika has to cme to india and he would be able to talk to her and find reason of her ignorance.

Precap:-anika in india.
Anika ignoring shivaay..

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