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Nxt chp guys...

Shivaay was getting ready for college..

Shivaay pov

Aaj toh anika tumhe mujhse baat karni hi hogi,kyu tum mujhe ignore kar rahi ho.Get ready to face real shivaay singh oberoi anika.

In college....
As usual anika ignored shivaay and went to class asap she thought she would take half day leave and go home but our shivaay was also smart or i can say chantomine in anika s language.Anika was walking in corridor when someone pulled her to one of empty classroom.He was none other than our sso.
Anika was going to scream due to sudden action shivaay covered her mouth with his hands.
As anika saw the person she sigh in releif but also got frightened seeing anger in his kanji eyes.

Shivaay-(by holding her with shoulders)Anika what do u think of urself haa ,why r u ignoring me?

Anika-(had tears) looking down and kept silent.

Shivaay-(anger rose) speak dammit, or do u want me to follow u to talk to u,haa tell.i thought u r nt like other girls but no i was wrong anika singh raizada wants that every boy should follow trying to speak to u from past one week but u r royaly ignoring me (holding tightly she winces in pain)

Anika-(tears flowing out) no im nt that type of girl and u r no one to give me charachter certificate (angry).
She was moving out from  his grip and moving back but he holded more tightly but still she was nt facing him.He made her look to him in his eyes he can see tears flowing from her eyes.

Shivaay-anika why i u crying(cupped her face) plzz tell me why r u ignoring me ,i feel restless when u ignore me,plzz tell the reason.

Anika-(hugged him tightly and cried)im sry shivaay for ignoring u but that night i did nt do it purposely ( the kiss)it happenned by mistake.plzz dont take me wrong im nt that2rs cheapdi ladki..plzz im sry i did nt ment to...and continued crying.

Shivaay-(how innocent she is thinking) hugged her back and said anika r u mad why would i take u wrong in that way i know it happenned by mistake infact i wanted to talk to u about that so that u do not feel embarras. Now stop crying commin stupid girl.

Anika-pucca ,pinky promise(raising small finger).
Shivaay confused and raise small finger.wht is pinky promise.

Anika-this (she joined their fingers) with bright smile pinky promise.

Shivaay -so from now if u have any problem or want to share something with me u can cme to me without any hesitation.,kk (keeping his  hand on her cheek.)

Anika-being happy she tightly hugged shivaay and ran out of classroom saying ty and leaving behind smiling shivaay.

Shivaay pov..

Pagal ladki itni si baat ke liye ro paadi but by this now i know she is so innocent and pure heart.

This made shivaay and anika friendship bond more stonger.

From that they onwards both shivaay and anika used to talk with each other daily all were surprised to see shivaay and anika bonding though anika was bubbly ,friendly type of girl but shivaay was stubborn but after anika came he was nt that sso that all knew it was a new version to them.

Precap:- Picnic

Do vote and comment and nxt chp tonight.❤

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