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Fuck Life

WildHoe: hello, LA? Do you know where I can find Logan Paul?

ChokingIsMyKink: omfg you didn't

WildHoe has sent an attachment.

WildHoe: bitch I did

Lui: babe why don't you do this for me??

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I'm??? Broke????

Evan: tsk tsk excuses

Lui: ^^^^^

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I didn't ask for this kind of assault

Moo: no one does

Moo: but with Evan it just sort of happens

Evan: damnit I can't find any racism in your statement

Moo: wtf

WildHoe: Brock we ALL know that you're the racist here don't act surprised

FuckBoi: ^^^^^

Four07: ^^^^^^^

BasicallyIDoWrk: wtf has happened

BasicallyIDoWrk: Lui is jake Paul??? Craig is logan??? Tyler is in LA??? Brock is STILL a racist????

Evan: that's a fucking quote right there

FuckBoi: actually

FuckBoi: a better quote would be earlier when Craig said and I quote "LOGAN PAUL IS DADDY"

Evan: ok tru

BasicallyIDoWrk: I'm going to bed it's too early for this shit

Terroriser: it's two in the afternoon????

BasicallyIDoWrk: yeah and this has happened TWO MANY TIMES

Evan: I appreciate your word play

Jonathan: hold on back up wtf did Craig say about Logan Paul??

ChokingIsMyKink: I said Logan Paul is my daddy okay r u happy

Evan: these screenshots r pure gold

FuckBoi: hey put that shit on a t-shirt I'd wear it

Evan: only for you

Four07: bitch me too tf

Evan: and Scott

Four07: oh fuck yes

FuckBoi: omg we should all having match t-shirts we would be so fukcing cite odnf eosnxidndkix

Four07: ummm, r u dead

Evan: I'm dead inside

WildHoe: guys I got a hotel now I must find the bitch who's trying to steal my boi

ChokingIsMyKink: when ur dads r in a different city :(

Evan: alright and that's my cue to leave

FuckBoi: cum back to me daddyyyyyyyy

Four07: now THAT should be on a t-shirt


Evan: someone please shoot me

Evan: I really want to die

Jonathan: omg same

Lui: same

Terroriser: tbh I think we all want to die

FuckBoi: ;)

Four07: what does that even mean?????

FuckBoi: whatever you want it to bb ;)


Evan: I just don't understand

WildHoe: ?

ChokingIsMyKink: ?

FuckBoi: he's got some feels rn


Moo: I'm still confused????


FuckBoi: he's drunk btw

WildHoe: makes sense

FuckBoi: aww he's crying

Evan: I'm just really passionate about Destiel and there's so many feels and I just can't rn

FuckBoi: best part is he's not even watching the show all he's doing is watch fan edits on YouTube XD

Four07: omg I am so coming over

WildHoe: why would you let him do that????

ChokingIsMyKink: ikr he sounds so sad????



Evan: lay your weary head to rest.....

Evan: don't you....cry....no...more

FuckBoi: holy shit he's actually crying like super bad Scott I need assistance

Four07: omw babe

Lui: how many drinks did you give him???

FuckBoi: idk I was taking shots and not paying attention

ChokingIsMyKink: Lucas wtf

FuckBoi: shots r my weakness

Jonathan: Scott quick tip bring him some ice cream if you can

Jonathan: cherry vanilla and cookie dough r his favs

Terroriser: I would ask how you know that but then I remember you guys used to date

Evan: I relate to dean so much like Dean Winchester is literally me

Evan: cmoe at me demons in ready

FuckBoi: so I may have given him an extra shot

BasicallyIDoWrk: he doesn't even watch supernatural tf????

Evan: I think YouTube recommmendatuosb are broken

Four07: hey FuckBoi open up I'm here

FuckBoi: hold on lemme find the door

WildHoe: I'm gone for three hours and you people are already a mess

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