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Praise Jesus

Four07: wtf

BasicallyIDWrk: wtf

Moo: omg

Lui: wtf

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: omg they're safe

SuniDey: police had just busted in when I got there, Lucas and Brian were leading them

WildHoe: they escaped and got the police??

SuniDey: yeah Lucas said he got free and saw Brian on his way out and he was going to get Evan but he didn't know where he was so they left to get police

SuniDey: when I got there Lucas was holding a crying Evan in his arms

ChokingIsMyKink: omg are they okay

SuniDey: a few scrapes and bruises from what I could see

SuniDey: but there was a lot of police and I left since I didn't want to get counted as an accomplice or something

Four07: holy shit, who can drive me to the hospital, they're there right?

SuniDey: yeah

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I'll drive you Scott

Four07: tysm

Kryoz: me and Tyler will be there asap

SuniDey: Craig get ready I'm going to pick you up

ChokingIsMyKink: already way ahead of you

BasicallyIDoWrk: Lui is coming with me and Brock

Four07: rly? Not David?

Lui: we broke up

Four07: oh

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: it was mutual tho, no drama or anything

Four07: ah okay, well I need to get ready

WildHoe: I can't believe we're gonna get to see them

Kryoz: I can't believe I get to meet them under such terrible circumstances, I wish we were all happier

WildHoe: babe stfu it's fine just tell one of your jokes and they'll love you

Four07: omg you too are so cute

WildHoe: yeah well you THREE will be adorable when you reunite

Four07: oh, yeah

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: something wrong, Scott?

Four07: nope nothing lets go

SuniDey: wait guys one more thing

SuniDey: when you see Evan, please don't rush at him, from what I saw he kept flinching as people rushed past and towards him, he's probably been through a lot, please don't stress him out

Four07: I won't


WildHoe: me and john are here, they said that the doctor is in their room right now so we have to wait

Kryoz: he says that to make you guys not rush but you should still rush because you haven't seen your friends in ages

Kryoz: holy shit what if Evan hates me because of my name

WildHoe: babe he won't it's fine

Kryoz: you don't know what happened these past couple of months, Tyler

BasicallyIDoWrk: stop worrying john, it's going to be fine, Evan is going to think ur awesome, so is lucas

Moo: yeah, don't worry, it's going to be great


Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and Four07

FuckBoi: I was kidnapped for like a month and a half and I come back to this shit?

FuckBoi: 'I found someone else' what the actual fuck is wrong with you Scott

FuckBoi: ik ur not happy and I respect that but seriously out of all the times you could have said that you chose now?

FuckBoi: Evan is terrified and sad and needs us, yet you pull shit like this

FuckBoi: fuck you, I hope whoever it is makes you happy

Four07: Lucas I'm sorry, please calm down, I don't want things to be like this when we all come to see you

FuckBoi: next time you should think about that before you pull shit like this

Four07: can we talk about this after you two are out of the hospital? I really don't want it to be like this when we reunite with you two

FuckBoi: I didn't ask you to come, I didn't ask you to say that to me the day before we got here, this isn't my fault Scott, it's yours

FuckBoi: now if you excuse me, I have to go take care of Evan, because he's hurting

FuckBoi: and don't worry, I won't tell him about all this until he's able to handle it, I'm not a dick

Four07: Lucas, I'm sorry

FuckBoi: just get over here and pretend you love us

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now