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haHA I hate myself someone kill me already srsly I crave death, also sorry about the short chapter ik I'm a disappointment


Now showing private messages between SuniDey and Four07

SuniDey: Scott I think it's time to put the plan into action

Four07: what makes you say that

SuniDey: I have this weird feeling that it has to be today

Four07: Craig is okay with this?

SuniDey: yeah

ChokingIsMyKink has been added to the chat.

Kryoz has been added to the chat.

Kryoz: is today the day then

SuniDey: ur psychic abilities scare me

Kryoz: it's the power of vape

ChokingIsMyKink: just b careful babe

SuniDey: ik ik trust me

SuniDey: is there anything else I should know besides what you guys told me over the phone?

Four07: do you remember what they all look like?

SuniDey: yes

Kryoz: something tells me that it's going to be an eventful day, tread carefully young one

ChokingIsMyKink: dude stop being creepy

Kryoz: it's not me it's the vape

ChokingIsMyKink: whatever just be careful Sami

SuniDey: I'll keep you guys updated in the chat


Praise Jesus

SuniDey: alright I'm here got on the elevator and heading to the room

SuniDey: wtf there's police outside???

Four07: be careful

SuniDey: shits going down gtg


Kryoz: damn it's been a while since she's updated is anyone in contact

ChokingIsMyKink: holy shit

ChokingIsMyKink: holy shit

ChokingIsMyKink has sent two attachments.

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now