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Happy Birthday to me!!!

EDIT: the vanladd book is now published, it's called 'the roommate' and I hope you enjoy it :)


Shit Show

RoastMasterV2: I have officially moved to a new place for the third time I swear if I have to move one more time I'm going to be pissed

FuckBoi: you wouldn't have had to move if- sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean that

SuniDey: house warming party????????? I can bring chicken salad

SuniDey: and sushi

RoastMasterV2: well I mean if sushi is involved I ain't complaining that shit is LIT

RoastMasterV2: I'm sorry I'll go, where's the door?

Jon: babe isn't ur birthday coming up?

RoastMasterV2: is it? *checks calendar* oh shit it is

FuckBoi: omg we need to do something for ur birthday

Four07: yesssssssss

ChokingIsMyKink: lets throw a party

RoastMasterV2: can there be ice cream cake?

WildHoe: there can be whatever kind of cake you want dude

Kryoz: if there's cake involved I'm down

WildHoe: John this is for Evan's birthday, you can't just be excited about the cake that's illegal

Kryoz: are you gonna arrest me, Tyler?

RoastMasterV2: oh god my eyes does anyone have bleach

Jon: wtf, this chat got way more kinky


Jon: ??????????

Jon: all I was saying is that it's not just Craig who is expressing himself

Jon: clearly john has a thing for role play

RoastMasterV2: ok I'm going to go vomit see ya later dudes


Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and WildHoe

FuckBoi: is it just me or does Evan seem happier without me?

WildHoe: he's just trying to figure things out Lucas, doesn't mean he's happier without you, it just means he's trying to get to a place where he's not as dependent on someone

WildHoe: yes he's dating Jon, but since Jon moved to Canada they don't see each as often as you and him would, meaning it's more long distance

FuckBoi: so, he's trying to be independent by dating his ex?

WildHoe: Lucas stop being so negative, it's going to end up hurting Evan more than you already have

WildHoe: ik you're trying to protect him, but acting negatively about his life decisions isn't the way

FuckBoi: what do you know, more than half of your relationships have failed

WildHoe: then what's the point of fucking texting me if you're going to disregard my advice

WildHoe: just go back to being a fuck boy, that's how you got him in the first place wasn't it

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now