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Praise Jesus

Kryoz: so I've been thinking

WildHoe: damnit I was actually kinda liking my existence today

Kryoz: why was Evan in the hospital? I think Brock or Scott mentioned it?

Four07: he was stabbed by his ex

Kryoz: really?

Four07: yeah Lucas was telling me about it when I got to the hospital

Kryoz: so, only Lucas saw it?

Four07: Lucas didn't say he actually saw him, but he knew it was him

Kryoz: that's a bit sus, don'tcha think?

Four07: that Jon stabbed him? Yeah it's hella sus

Kryoz: not what I was talking about but yeah that too

WildHoe: I am still trying to wrap my head around most of the things you say don't fuck my mind again

WildHoe: that sounds wrong wow

Kryoz: ;)

Moo: I was gonna contribute to the conversation but it's too early for this shit

BasicallyIDoWrk: great babe now you can help me with my homework

Moo: wow would you look at the time suddenly I have to go grocery shopping and rearrange all my furniture

BasicallyIDoWrk: wow okay rUDE

ChokingIsMyKink: this chat always teaches me new things about love it's great

Lui: Craig you should really make Sami get an account so she can join the shitpost

ChokingIsMyKink: I'm offended that you think I haven't been trying

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: yeah babe this groupchat is all about trust

Lui: that's funny

ChokingIsMyKink: yeah like wtf is trust

SuniDey has been added to the chat.

SuniDey: what up losers it's me your savior

ChokingIsMyKink: BABE

SuniDey: stfu peasant I'm trying to have an epic monologue

Moo: wow Craig I can just feel the love between you two


SuniDey: It's me, the one you've been looking for, your light at the end of a dark tunnel, the hero you needed, but did not deserve

SuniDey: it is me, Sami, The Dank Lord

Kryoz: you know what 10/10 great introduction it makes me want to throw myself off a bridge but like in a good way

SuniDey: thx I know I'm amazing

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now