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ITS NOT OVER GUYS I SWEAR, also in case anyone is interested I have a yoonmin book now (yes I'm ARMY bitch fight me)

Shit Show

Terroriser: holy shit it's been a while guys what have I missed

FuckBoi: me and Evan broke up, again yes I know stfu

RoastMasterV2: Marcel and Brock started dating, but like turns out Marcel cheated on him or something so now they're on a break

RoastMasterV2: Craig has a girlfriend and Tyler has a boyfriend, John, who does stupid shit when he's drunk

RoastMasterV2: Lui and David broke up, David is going on a date with Scott, and I think that's all that's happening rn

RoastMasterV2: I should also probably mention that everyone in this chat is a liar so yea that's fun

Terroriser: damn Evan you got cold

RoastMasterV2: fight me bitch

FuckBoi: so Ev, you wanna talk about things?

RoastMasterV2: Brian I am very sorry for the way I treated you I know you didn't mean to hurt me and I forgive you

RoastMasterV2: the rest of you can go fuck yourselves

Kryoz: well that's harsh

RoastMasterV2: you wanna fucking go?

Kryoz: no not particularly thank you very much

Terroriser: okay well obviously things have gone down hill since I've been gone

RoastMasterV2: okay well I'm gonna go then

Moo: Evan pls stay

FuckBoi: pls Evan I'm so sorry for lying to you

RoastMasterV2: this chat is full of fucking liars, what difference does it make if I'm here or not, I'm not important enough to know shit

WildHoe: Evan yes you are, we just don't want you to worry about more than you have to

RoastMasterV2: I already worry about more than I have to yet you don't see me complaining so good night everyone I'll talk to you later

Lui: we really need to get our shit together in this chat

Terroriser: I just moved in bro my shit is already together I have nothing to do with what happened here

Kryoz: hi u must be Brian I'm John Tyler's boyfriend although things are a bit tense around here rn and it's all my fault but let's not bring that up

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