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About to do some shameless self promo so skip it if ya want:

I have published my first original on here, it's called Fugitive and I currently have posted the prologue and first chapter and I plan on updating very soon. Promo over.


Praise Jesus

DetectiveVapeMaster69: yo what's up everyone how ya doin

DetectiveVapeMaster69: oh shit my secret identity has been revealed

DetectiveVapeMaster69 has changed their name to Kryoz

Kryoz: hello how is everyone

WildHoe: wth was that

Kryoz: idk what ur talking about

WildHoe: you just changed your name- actually idc

Kryoz: rude


Four07: I miss Lucas :(

BasicallyIDoWrk: why, are you feeling horny again

Four07: listen here you bottom bitch, just cuz moo hasn't been pounding you lately doesn't mean you take it out on me

Kryoz: excuse me sir but this is a family friendly groupchat and there are children here

BasicallyIDoWrk: what children

Kryoz: the dude that nails you into the wall like a damn Picasso painting

WildHoe: do you have even the slightest of chill

Kryoz: no

Moo: aw babe are you getting bullied cuz ur a bottom bitch

BasicallyIDoWrk: you know this groupchat really went downhill ever since Lucas and Evan left

BasicallyIDoWrk: Evan and his ace self keep this conversation away from all these adult rated topics

Four07: I agree with Marcel

Four07: we used to be wholesome

ChokingIsMyKink: didn't we usually complain about our relationships and call Brock a racist

Four07: we were having a moment and you just ruined it

SuniDey: he does that

ChokingIsMyKink: rUDE

WildHoe: I wish I had a boyfriend

Kryoz: same

Lui: omg u two should date

WildHoe: excuse me?

Kryoz: pardon?

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: personally I think that john would be better with Scott

Lui: no shut up babe I ship it

WildHoe: wtf

Kryoz: Tyler you wanna go out with me dude

WildHoe: .......

WildHoe: that was both the gayest and most bro thing I've heard all week

WildHoe: of course I will


Now showing private messages between WildHoe and Kryoz

WildHoe: I had a great time tonight

Kryoz: me too :)

WildHoe: we're literally sitting next to each other in an uber why are we texting

Kryoz: I'm not very good at these sort of things, I'm scared to mess it up

WildHoe: me too

Kryoz: doesn't this feel weird

WildHoe: a little, I think it's just cause everyone is waiting for us to tell them how the date went

Kryoz: I wish no one knew

WildHoe: I wish we could disappear like Lucas and Evan

Kryoz: I hope they're okay, even if I've never met them

WildHoe: they're amazing, Evan is so nice and caring and always puts others before himself

WildHoe: Lucas is funny and protects Evan and Scott and he loves them

Kryoz: they sound like great friends

WildHoe: they are

Kryoz: ty? Can I call you ty?

WildHoe: go ahead

Kryoz: want to go on a second date?

WildHoe: of course

Kryoz: :)

Kryoz: now how do you feel about conspiracies

WildHoe: wth did I just sign up for

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now