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Ok but like have you hEARD THE NEW BOHNES ALBUM? Sorry but like it's so??? Good???? I???? Can't???


And I'm at school like super early and I'm bored so I just decided to sit outside and admire the beauty of natu- I'm writing fanfiction in the courtyard basically


Don't Tell

FuckBoi: he hates me, he fucking hates me

Four07: I'm sure he doesn't hate you

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: Scott this isn't a good time for you to speak

Four07: well none of this is his fault, dave

Kryoz: alright morning after and what happened last night?


WildHoe: Lucas just because you're upset doesn't mean you lash out on my boyfriend

FuckBoi: yea well why don't you teach your boyfriend how to keep a damn secret

WildHoe: it was a stupid secret

FuckBoi: it still wasn't John's to share, that was my secret and I was going to tell Evan on my time

FuckBoi: instead ur fucking boyfriend decided that he didn't like that because he's the almighty detective getting to the bottom of all the crime and secrets and lies between us so he fucking told Evan and now he hates me, now he hates us

Kryoz: Lucas I'm so sorry I didn't mean to

FuckBoi: bullshit you didn't you fucking lightweight all it took was two shots for you to break your promise

FuckBoi: wouldn't be the first time, would it?

Kryoz: Lucas just because I made a mistake doesn't mean you lash out at me okay? I didn't mean to tell him

FuckBoi: same way you 'didn't mean' to tell him about Scott, didn't mean to show him screenshots of our conversation?

WildHoe: Lucas calm down you haven't lost Evan yet

FuckBoi: I think I can understand that when your boyfriend tells you that he's done with you right before he walks out the door it means I lost him

Kryoz: fuck, dude, I'm so so sorry, I'll never forgive myself for this

WildHoe: babe it's fine Lucas is just emotional

FuckBoi: you know what Tyler? I'll show you emotional

FuckBoi: a couple weeks ago john said that he took an overnight shift at work, didn't he?

WildHoe: what does that have to do with anything?

Kryoz: Lucas what are you doing

FuckBoi: didn't he?

WildHoe: yea he did

FuckBoi: he wasn't at work, he was at my place, being a drunk, sobbing mess because he just had sex with someone who wasn't you

Kryoz: wtf

WildHoe: John is that true?

Kryoz: Lucas wtf I told you not to tell him

FuckBoi: I told you not to tell Evan about Jordan

FuckBoi: I told you not to tell Evan about Scott

FuckBoi: it doesn't feel nice having your secrets shared, does it?

Moo: Lucas this is not how you deal with this kind of situation

FuckBoi: he had sex with Marcel

FuckBoi: to quote John himself 'EVERYONE HERE IS A FILTHY LIAR'

FuckBoi: I'm just being honest, right John?

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now