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Shit Show

RoastMasterV2: gotta leave the chat for today, I have my training for my new job, I'll talk to you guys later

RoastMasterV2 has left the chat.

FuckBoi: well that's a creative excuse

BasicallyIDoWrk: wdym he just got a job a couple days ago

Terroriser: yea it was like a whole announcement it was great

FuckBoi: oh, guess I've missed more than I thought

Moo: it's okay, as long as you're trying :)

BasicallyIDoWrk: Brock stop being cute or I'll go drag you away from cupcake wars again

Moo: bitch I dare you

Moo: no one is getting between me and my cupcake wars you heathen

FuckBoi: cupcake wars is the shit, Marcel

Kryoz: exactly

Kryoz: I mean

Kryoz: that's really fucking gay and me, being a heterosexual male I do not participate in watching such shows

WildHoe: and me, being your boyfriend, know that you watch cupcake wars late at night when you think no one is awake

Kryoz: ur the reason I have to go into the witness protection program

ChokingIsMyKink: is it because you saw Tyler's bed head

WildHoe: rude

SuniDey: Craig's bed head is worse

ChokingIsMyKink: so John, I heard you can get me into the witness protection program

Kryoz: come on over borther I'll get you set up

Jon: wow that escalated quicker than Logan Paul filming a dead body

Terroriser: too soon, dude, too soon

Jon: so about that witness protection program

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