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Thank you guys so much for 25K reads!!!


Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and RoastMasterV2

FuckBoi: babe, are you okay?

FuckBoi: you don't have to tell me what he did if you don't want to, just be honest with me

RoastMasterV2: I really want some sushi

FuckBoi: trust me as soon as the doctors are done running their tests I am going to get you all the sushi you want, all the Chick-fil-A you want, anything you want you can have

FuckBoi: you still have that big ass teddy bear Scott gave you?

RoastMasterV2: yeah, it's next to my bed since it doesn't fit on my bed

FuckBoi: well I'll get you an even bigger one once you're out of there, I promise

RoastMasterV2: Lucas does it bother you that I'm asexual

FuckBoi: not at all, I love you for you, not for anything like that, I promise

FuckBoi: if it makes you uncomfortable, then we don't associate with it

RoastMasterV2: thank you, Lucas

FuckBoi: no problem :)


Praise Jesus


RoastMasterV2: not this shit again Lucas

WildHoe: you love it, ev, don't deny it

FuckBoi: daddy I'm sorry

SuniDey: wtf

RoastMasterV2: I'm sorry but can I get some introductions here I don't know who a few of you people are

SuniDey: hi I'm Sami, Craig's girlfriend

WildHoe: me and Craig broke up like a month and a half ago

Kryoz: hi I'm John I like to vape and I'm gay for Tyler

Moo: that's basically all that happened

Lui: me and David broke up a couple days ago

Four07: u right

RoastMasterV2: okay so Craig is dating Sami (SuniDey is her user), kryoz (John) is dating Tyler, and Lui and David broke up, that all?

Moo: everyone was making very inappropriate comments while you were gone

RoastMasterV2: not in my Christian household you heathens

FuckBoi: daddy's mad

SuniDey: ok I want to know where the whole daddy thing came from but I also don't

FuckBoi: he'll always be my daddy even if he's asexual

SuniDey: Craig ur friends are weird

SuniDey: in a good way

RoastMasterV2: I really should've raised you ingrates better

ChokingIsMyKink: damn one day back and he's already as savage as he used to be

RoastMasterV2: bitch excuse me I have always been a savage that's why I got these fake ass hoes tryna be me

FuckBoi: D R A G  H I M  B A B E

BasicallyIDoWrk: we forgot to mention that me and Brock are dating

RoastMasterV2: nice, is brock a good top?

BasicallyIDoWrk: WHAT THE FUCK

Moo: holy shit I'm dying

ChokingIsMyKink: that was the greatest thing ever

Kryoz: oml he did not


SuniDey: didn't we literally have an entire conversation about this

RoastMasterV2: Marcel has always been a bottom bitch

FuckBoi: me too tf

Four07: wow u just exposed yourself

FuckBoi: that's my life story bro

WildHoe: 'Exposed Myself' is the name of his mixtape

Moo: "exposed" is the name of my mixtape, I just shit talk Marcel

BasicallyIDoWrk: wow babe thats rude

Moo: ik

RoastMasterV2: when I left you were all wholesome children and this is what happened

Kryoz: should've seen what happened last night......

FuckBoi: John stop

WildHoe: yeah babe u should calm it down

Kryoz: sorry

RoastMasterV2: guys it's fine I can handle sex jokes I'm asexual not twelve

Kryoz: I'm sorry if I offend you, but what does that mean? Asexual?

RoastMasterV2: I don't experience sexual attraction, meaning that I don't like sex

Kryoz: ohhhhh, okay I get it, sorry if I make any inappropriate jokes

RoastMasterV2: nah ur fine I can handle it

FuckBoi: EVAN IM COMING (in a non sexual way)

WildHoe: you make it sexual when you say it's not sexual

RoastMasterV2: Alright everyone just calm down with the sex jokes, Lucas always makes them so that can't be helped, but the rest of you should know better

Lui: especially for us single hoes

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: yeah think about us single hoes

WildHoe: you guys wouldn't be single if ya hadn't broken up........

WildHoe: jk I kid I kid

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: tears??? Coming from my eyes??? I'm suing????

Lui: shut up u baby

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: everyone is attacking me????? Evan help?????

RoastMasterV2: I don't work miracles

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: wow ok I see how it is

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