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Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and Terroriser.

RoastMasterV2: you helping me or not

Terroriser: absolutely not

RoastMasterV2: suit yourself

RoastMasterV2: you're still invited to the funeral

Terroriser: you're being reckless

RoastMasterV2: reckless is all I have left

Terroriser: ......

Terroriser: you know I'm sorry about all this, right? I never wanted things to go this far

RoastMasterV2: I know, Brian, I forgive you

RoastMasterV2: but I have to do this

Terroriser: I know you do, but please be careful

RoastMasterV2: when am I ever careful

Terroriser: Evan I'm being serious, I don't want you to do this, but I can't stop you

RoastMasterV2: Brian?

Terroriser: yes?

RoastMasterV2: none of this your fault, okay?

Terroriser: you know it is

Terroriser: Evan?

Terroriser: holy shit you're actually doing it


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and Jonathan

RoastMasterV2: hey

Jonathan: hello?

RoastMasterV2: been a while, hasn't it?

Jonathan: what do you want Evan?

RoastMasterV2: why

Jonathan: because you hurt me, and I don't like being hurt

RoastMasterV2: does that give you the right to be a literal psychopath

Jonathan: no, but you know the type of friends I have

RoastMasterV2: I don't remember you ever acting like your friends

Jonathan: Evan I love you

RoastMasterV2: you know how I feel about liars

Jonathan: I'm not lying

RoastMasterV2: just a few weeks ago you were threatening me and now you're claiming you love me, sounds like a lie to me

Jonathan: I won't have a chance with you if I'm in jail

RoastMasterV2: you stabbed me

RoastMasterV2: you stabbed Brian

Jonathan: I didn't want to, I just wanted you to listen to me

RoastMasterV2: liar

Jonathan: Stabbing you guys was the only chance I had at winning you back

RoastMasterV2 has sent three attachments.

RoastMasterV2: that's all the police needed, thanks


Praise Jesus

Moo: I can't get a hold of him

FuckBoi: same

WildHoe: neither can I

ChokingIsMyKink: I blame Lucas



WildHoe: why did we even invite you back

ChokingIsMyKink: I paid David 20$

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: nO REFUNDS

Lui: since when was David in charge of our budget

WildHoe: you're the reason the economy is down

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I'm just out here trying to live my best life

WildHoe: try harder


Now showing private messages between Terroriser and WildHoe

Terroriser: Tyler listen to me

WildHoe: fuck off why should I

Terroriser has sent two attachments.

Terroriser: Evan is in danger

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now