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Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and RoastMasterV2

FuckBoi: Evan, let's talk

RoastMasterV2: there's nothing to talk about

FuckBoi: bullshit, of course there is

RoastMasterV2: Lucas it's fine, really

FuckBoi: don't do that to me Evan, don't act like everything is okay when I know it's not

FuckBoi: ur not a liar Evan, please don't lie to me

RoastMasterV2: I thought you weren't a liar either

FuckBoi: Evan talk to me, please, I'm really sorry about everything I did

RoastMasterV2: Lucas, really, it's okay, I forgive you

RoastMasterV2: when you came back with the police, I was really upset and emotional and you just wanted to look out for me

FuckBoi: I still do Evan

RoastMaster: ik you do, but you should know that the reason I broke down wasn't just because of the situation

RoastMasterV2: it's just, I tend to bottle up my feelings and just let them die down, you know, so when I started crying, I just let everything out

RoastMasterV2: so yeah, it was partially because of Jon, but most of that was just me wanting you to comfort me, to tell me that it was going to be okay

FuckBoi: Evan I could've done that whenever you wanted

RoastMasterV2: ik, but that was before we lived together, before Scott broke it off, Hell before we even got together

RoastMasterV2: I've always thought very low of myself, and I instead of giving into those feelings I just push them down and turn them into humor and aggression and other emotions

FuckBoi: Evan I didn't mean to hurt you, please believe me

RoastMasterV2: of course I believe you, Lucas, I never said I didn't

FuckBoi: Evan, let's try again, please? Just one more time?

RoastMasterV2: aww Lucas, i would love to, but

FuckBoi: what? What is it? Whatever it is I'll do it, anything for one more chance

RoastMasterV2: that's not necessary, Lucas

RoastMasterV2: see, um, I actually have a boyfriend rn

FuckBoi: what

FuckBoi: hold on

FuckBoi: I need a moment

FuckBoi: who tf stole you from me

RoastMasterV2: well, you see Lucas

RoastMasterV2 has sent one attachment.

RoastMasterV2: I got back together with Jon

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