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Witness-Protection Program

RoastMasterV2: good morning everyone I hope u slept well

Moo: ur still awake wth????

RoastMasterV2: yea of course

RoastMasterV2: just took a shower, what r we doing today?

CheeseMeFather: I can't go today

SuniDey: yea we're busy

FuckBoi: that's fine u guys go do ur thing

BirthingCoach: u can FaceTime me babe :)

RoastMasterV2: I already promised everyone I can hang out with them today, sorry Jon

BirthingCoach: ugh fine b careful love u

Zoyrk: why don't we all go out for sushi??????? Ik Evan likes it and sometimes u just gotta treat yo self

WildHoe: yea I'm down with that

RoastMasterV2: I saw sushi and suddenly I'm ready to take on the world

BirthingCoach: I wish I could come :(

Zoyrk: relax dude ur gonna get to see him soon aren't you?

Moo: I just realized it's 10AM

RoastMasterV2: yes and?

Moo: the sushi place isn't open yet

RoastMasterV2: and there's my depression

Four07: Evan don't joke like that

RoastMasterV2: wdym I'm always like this??????

FuckBoi: u should be building yourself up is what he's trying to say

RoastMasterV2: says the person who told me to get hit by a bus

FuckBoi: he's trying to tell you you're a good person you idiot

FuckBoi: you should really learn to take a compliment


Now showing private messages between Legiqn and FuckBoi

Legiqn: what do u want to talk about

FuckBoi: let's get back together

Legiqn: what

FuckBoi: I want to get back together, I really like you and I'm single so why don't we mingle with each other

FuckBoi: you were right, I do miss you, babe

FuckBoi: let's pick up where we left off, yea?

Legiqn: is this because of what happened with Evan? Because I can't do this to you rn Lucas

Legiqn: not when you're acting like this

FuckBoi: that doesn't matter, babe

FuckBoi: here's the deal, you come over to my house, we can hang out, do some stuff, then you can make a decision

Legiqn: ik u still like Evan, Lucas, I can't do this

FuckBoi: don't mention his name, he means nothing to me, I want you Jordan

Legiqn: no you don't

FuckBoi: I miss you, Jordan

FuckBoi: please, daddy, I've been a real bad boy

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