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Witness-Protection Program



BirthingCoach: yea?

Moo: shit Lucas, wtf is going on? It's 8PM

FuckBoi: you think I give a shit what time it is? Now I'm trying to talk to this douchebag so stfu

BasicallyIDoWrk: don't talk to my bf like that fuckboy

FuckBoi: you too, bottom bitch

FuckBoi: now let me talk to Jon

FuckBoi: Jonathan, do you mind explaining to me why I was the one who had to pick your boyfriend up from the hospital?

BirthingCoach: why was he there?

FuckBoi: he had a bad anxiety attack at work, because of you

BirthingCoach: what did I do?

FuckBoi: you accused him of cheating on you when he clearly didn't, and you had the audacity to stop answering him when he needed you

WildHoe: Jon I will fuck you up I stg

Zoyrk: yea dude that's dick

BasicallyIDoWrk: I'm not even gonna question that slang, but Jon wtf

BirthingCoach: he had five phone numbers on his desk, so I may have jumped to conclusions?

WildHoe: those are from when we went to the mall, dude, that was ages ago, he didn't even want them he was just to awkward to say no because he's Evan

WildHoe: and because he's Evan he must've forgot that he even had them and they just got mixed up with his shit during his past move

BirthingCoach: he told me that too....

BirthingCoach: well now I feel like a dick

FuckBoi: you should

FuckBoi: do you know how fucking worrying it is to get a call in the middle of a date to come pick up your friend who's in a hospital

FuckBoi: isn't that a boyfriend's job?

Four07: dude if that was me I would've thought they both got hurt

FuckBoi: that's what I thought too, until I get there and one of his coworkers has to explain what happened

FuckBoi: come to ask Evan what happened and I find out it's Jon's fault

FuckBoi: wtf is wrong with you

BirthingCoach: I'm sorry

FuckBoi: don't apologize to me

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: ok Scott was right you can't leave this chat for an hour srsly

Four07: ik I was

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I'm glad Evan is okay, tho

CheeseMeFather: that happened to me one time, it really fucking sucks

CheeseMeFather: like you legit lose control of everything and you're in so much pain

BirthingCoach: where's Evan?

FuckBoi: I let him sleep in my bed, since he obviously didn't want to go home

FuckBoi: I'll drop him off tomorrow, don't worry, he's also got the next few days off from work so he can recover, try not to fuck things up


FuckBoi: Jonathan ur even more of a piece of shit than I thought

WildHoe: what did this bitch do I've been dying to punch him since day one tbh

FuckBoi: I asked Evan to show me the messages from yesterday just to see what happened exactly and THIS BITCH

FuckBoi: he was using Evan's mental health against him

WildHoe: I have screenshots to prove that I said I will fucking fight if he ever hurts my Evan and I think he is LONG OVERDUE FOR A GOOD PUNCH TO THE FACE

FuckBoi: he said that the reason Evan is feeling more depressed is usual is because he's cheating on him, the nerve of this bitch

BirthingCoach: we've established multiple times that I say stupid shit ok don't attack me like this

WildHoe: how about you stfu and be grateful that I don't drop what I'm doing rn and punch your fucking teeth in

RoastMasterV2: can we please drop it

Moo: Evan omg r u ok

RoastMasterV2: I'm fine, I just want to go home, eat a cookie, and watch movies and take a nap

Four07: you used incorrect grammar there bud

RoastMasterV2: go fuck yourself, Scott, better yet just ask David, we all know you're faking being a top

BasicallyIDoWrk: Evan r u sure you're okay?

RoastMasterV2: I'm not a liar, unlike some people

FuckBoi: Evan r u ready to go?

RoastMasterV2: yes

RoastMasterV2: thank you so much, btw, Lucas, I really appreciate it

FuckBoi: np

BirthingCoach: Evan

RoastMasterV2: I don't want to talk to you

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now