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Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and RoastMasterV2

FuckBoi: you got back together with that Shit lord? After everything he did to you? You chose him?

RoastMasterV2: no drama happened when I was with him

FuckBoi: drama only happened because you were with him, he literally broke you Evan and now you're back together with him?

RoastMasterV2: he didn't break me

FuckBoi has sent two attachments.

FuckBoi: the first screenshot is from when I first joined the chat, the second one is from a couple of weeks ago

FuckBoi: Evan he literally broke you

FuckBoi: you used to be so happy and outgoing and always talking Shit and wanting to fight everyone and now, you're just so subdued

RoastMasterV2: that just shows my depression got worse is all, Jon didn't break me

FuckBoi: Evan yes he did

FuckBoi: Evan you shouldn't be with him

RoastMasterV2: ur just jealous

RoastMasterV2: if I'm happy with jon, then you should accept that, I'm perfectly fine and yet you always think there's something wrong with me and that I need to be lied to, but I'm fucking fine

FuckBoi: Evan u know I didn't mean it like that

RoastMasterV2: me and Jon are going on a date, I won't text you later


Shit Show

FuckBoi: I lost him, guys, I lost him

Lui: holy shit is Evan dead or something

RoastMasterV2: I'm perfectly fine, Lucas just doesn't like that I have a boyfriend

FuckBoi: you're dating Jon of course I don't like it

WildHoe: wait hold on

ChokingIsMyKink: same lemme go get my glasses cuz I think my mind is playing tricks on me

Moo: Ev ur with Jon again???? How did that happen?

RoastMasterV2: it just did

WildHoe: I don't believe it, not that I'm saying ur a liar Ev it's just hard to believe

RoastMasterV2: I can prove it

Jon has been added to the chat.

Jon: hey babe what's up

Lui: wtf I'm dead

FuckBoi: fuck you you shitlord

FuckBoi: idk what kind of sick game you're playing but stay away from Evan

RoastMasterV2: don't talk to my boyfriend like that Lucas

FuckBoi: Evan I'm just watching out for you

RoastMasterV2: you're not my boyfriend anymore, watching out for me isn't your job

Jon: babe maybe inviting me into here isn't the best choice

Terroriser: hey Jon

Jon: oh hey Brian, sorry about, well, you know

Terroriser: just don't hurt Evan, okay?

Jon: okay

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: hey Jon what's up bROOOOOO

Four07: I'd like to apologize for my boyfriend's behavior he had a candy bar earlier

Jon: you and David are dating?

Four07: yup, Brock and Marcel are dating, Craig has a girlfriend and Tyler is dating the other John

Kryoz: oh hello Jon

Kryoz: you may think you are superior because your name has one less letter but just know I am willing to fight for dominance

WildHoe: okay that's enough babe


RoastMasterV2: Tyler wtf did u give him

Kryoz: that good good

Jon: this is a family friendly chat sir do not use that type of language

SuniDey: hi I'm Sami Craig's girlfriend! Nice to meet you!

FuckBoi: don't be so nice to that snake

RoastMasterV2: Lucas can you just stop? Please?

ChokingIsMyKink: yeah Lucas you're ruining the mood

FuckBoi: I don't like him, sue me, he kept me locked in a closet for weeks and made Evan cry multiple times, I don't like him

FuckBoi: he was out of our lives, things were going great, and then shit hit the fan and it's all John's fault and now this guy is back and I'm pissed because I thought I was finally getting to a good place

WildHoe: Lucas stop acting like it's all about you, don't you think that Evan is going through a lot too? He has gone through the same shit, if not worse, and yet you're still criticizing his decisions? Evan is an adult who can think and act for himself so quit acting like he isn't because that train of thought is what got you in trouble in the first place

FuckBoi: sorry that I'm not as gullible as the rest of you and that I can actually identify a problem before everything goes wrong

FuckBoi: but I guess I can learn to pretend

Terroriser: so Jon, how have you been?

Jon: pretty good, I mean I moved to Canada with my friends and two of them are just shoving ketchup chips into their face constantly

RoastMasterV2: hey ketchup chips are the shit don't knock em till u try em

WildHoe: Evan we're American we can't really get ketchup chips on the daily

RoastMasterV2: Ik but it's not illegal like kinder eggs

ChokingIsMyKink: I thought those were legal now cuz like they sell them at every store and I've even seen commercials?????

RoastMasterV2: well clearly I need to go back to college

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now