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Next chapter will be posted on Friday :)

Witness-Protection Program

RoastMasterV2: great morning everyone how's it going

MooIDoWrk: I have finals this week I'm fucking tired

ChokingIsMyKink: it is eight in the morning gtfo with ur good morning u bastard

RoastMasterV2: I'm just trying to spread positivity :( guess I'll go

WildHoe: pls do it's too early

FuckBoi: when ur bf is in town and makes you chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast

RoastMasterV2: now I'm sad

RoastMasterV2: u guys are right it's a terrible morning

FuckBoi: I'm so sorry I completely forgot

RoastMasterV2: it's fine, ur allowed to be excited about the things ur bf does for you, I'm just tired

Legiqn: Lucas eat ur pancakes

Legiqn: sorry, Ev. I'm sure Jon will be there soon

RoastMasterV2: hopefully

Lui: Taylor said she would love to meet Jon when he comes back

Lui: she rlly likes all of you guys

Moo: aww that's so sweet

ChokingIsMyKink: she was already way nicer than my ex

MooIDoWrk: idk if I should laugh or say 'ouch'

Moo: omg babe I just thought of the perfect name for you

MooIDoWrk: rly? I think this is pretty fitting

MooIDoWrk's name has been changed to BasicallyIGetFucked

BasicallyIGetFucked: I love it

RoastMasterV2: why has this made my day so much better???????

ChokingIsMyKink: because we are a group of quality people

FuckBoi: I agree wholeheartedly


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and BirthingCoach

RoastMasterV2: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry

BirthingCoach: it's okay Evan

RoastMasterV2: no it's not I broke up with you for such a stupid reason I'm sorry I'm so stupid

BirthingCoach: ur not stupid just explain what happened u rlly worried me

RoastMasterV2: idk my anxiety and depression got really bad out of nowhere and I felt so scared and lost and I wasn't thinking straight

BirthingCoach: it's okay, Evan, just remember to tell me next time, I'll try my best to help you

RoastMasterV2: Jon

RoastMasterV2: I don't feel good, my anxiety has got so bad lately, my depression is getting worse too. I hung out at Chick-fil-A with everyone the other day and it was so hard to not break down and cry

RoastMasterV2: I'm scared Jon

RoastMasterV2: I'm scared that one day I'm going to wake up and not want to be here anymore

RoastMasterV2: I'm scared that I won't be able to handle the pain and that you're gonna leave me and that I'm gonna be alone

RoastMasterV2: I'm so scared, please help me

RoastMasterV2: I'm so scared

BirthingCoach: hey don't be scared, I'm right here

RoastMasterV2: you're in Canada jon, you live there, you're never going to be right beside me, not permanently

BirthingCoach: Evan....

RoastMasterV2: I don't want to be alone Jon, because what if something happens to you and I can't know because I'm here? I want to be next to you Jon, I miss you

RoastMasterV2: i don't want to be alone

BirthingCoach: you're not alone, Evan. I'm here. Maybe not physically, but I'm here, you're never going to lose me, okay?

BirthingCoach: if u ever feel like crying just text me and I'll send you a funny joke or a picture to make you smile, okay? It's gonna be fine

RoastMasterV2: promise?

BirthingCoach: I promise, Ev

RoastMasterV2: okay

RoastMasterV2: I trust you

BirthingCoach: I love you

RoastMasterV2: I love you too

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now