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Textmate:  We have removed a person from your groupchat because they have deleted the app or privated their account. Sorry! To recieve an alert for when they can talk, please private message us YES or NO.

Four07: lucas please calm down, this isn't right

FuckBoi: seems about right to me, he left because he's guilty

Four07: what if brock's right tho

Four07:  you have flirted with him about a thousand different ways and never once has he replied with something sexual, that's not him

FuckBoi: there's no other option scott, i don't want to believe it either but it has to be true

FuckBoi: we just have to move on from this

Four07: but i dont want to, he's a good person!

FuckBoi: i know, but this is for the best, you know that


Now showing private messages between Jonathan and Terroriser.

Jonathan: hey babe

Terroriser:  not right now please

Jonathan: what did I do? I can fix it

Terroriser: I feel bad

Jonathan: dont you dare, Brian

Jonathan: you stop thinking about that right now

Terroriser: do you even know what we did? 

Jonathan: yeah, but we both agreed to it, so drop it. its over and done with

Terroriser: brock hates me now

Jonathan: he always hated you

Terroriser:  ur wrong

Jonathan: excuse me?

Jonathan: what the fuck did you just say to me?

Terroriser: you're wrong about brock, he loved me 

Jonathan: well he doesnt now, does he?

Jonathan: get over him, you're with me

Terroriser: you're a real dick, you know that?

Jonathan:  no i'm not, i'm your boyfriend and i have a right to demand your full attention

Terroriser: just because I'm dating you doesnt give you an excuse to be mean to everyone

Terroriser: do you actually want everyone to hate you?

Terroriser: I don't think I can do this anymore

Jonathan:  break up with me and i will destroy you just like i did to Evan

Jonathan:  all it took was a couple screenshots for him to fall off the face of the earth

Terroriser: no, he's fine, you told me he would be fine!

Jonathan: I told you not to worry about it, i never lied to you

Terroriser: i have screenshots of this convo, i will post them in the chat

Jonathan: you're not the only one who can get screenshots

Jonathan has sent 2 attachments.

Jonathan: remember this little rejection letter to brock? seems pretty harsh

Jonathan: it'd be a real shame if someone posted this in the chat

Terroriser: how did Evan ever deal with you

Jonathan: he doesn't listen to all the bullshit i say

Jonathan:  a real talent if you think about it

Terroriser: you're evil

Jonathan: thanks babe, love you too

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now