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Making sure this vanladd book is really good before I publish it, so far I have the first chapter done :)


Now showing private messages between Legiqn and FuckBoi

Legiqn: ok so change of plans

FuckBoi: fuck off

Legiqn: pls give me one last chance I'll explain everything

FuckBoi: you have three texts

Legiqn: I'm so sorry I got into a groupchat with Jon and his friends and idk what happened but I rlly wanted you back but then we had that conversation and you told me that you were in love with Evan and I realized that all I wanted was for you to be happy

Legiqn: but then Jon kept saying how I could have you and he could have Evan so then I messaged Evan and we started talking and he was just so nice and said such nice things about you and he was so positive and took and interest in me and I can see why you love him, I can see why he makes you happy, I can see it, and I'm glad that he treats the way I should've been treating you when we were together

Legiqn: Evan told me things about his life and I suddenly felt so protective of him, like as a friend, and I completely lashed out on Jon because he was a dick to him and someone like Evan shouldn't be treated like that

Legiqn: ik u said I have three texts but here's a fourth: I'm so so so sorry for everything I have done, you don't have to forgive but I really hope you do, I would love to be your friend, I don't want to jumpstart a relationship again, I just want to be your friend, I promise I won't hurt Evan or any of your friends, if he makes you happy, then I'm happy, I just want you to be happy, Lucas, I really do

FuckBoi: Jordan, I don't know what to say

FuckBoi: first of all, you messaged Evan?? Like I'm mad bc he's mine, but I'm glad that you said he was very nice and I'm sure you were nice to him as well

FuckBoi: I would love to try again as friends, but I would like to take things very slow, for obvious reasons of course, but I'm willing to look past this as long as we're clear of one thing; Jon is not a good person, I don't want him back into Evan's life because he is going to be toxic to him

Legiqn: got it, I left their chat already

FuckBoi: I'll tell Evan that you're my ex, but I won't mention the real reason we broke up or that you stabbed him, okay? So don't bring it up

Legiqn: I respect that Lucas, but what if he finds out later down the line? Do we really want that weight on our shoulders?

FuckBoi: It may not be a wise decision, you're right about that, but I want to do that, Evan does not need me telling him all this information at once

Legiqn: I respect your decision, Lucas, it's your relationship and you know Evan best

FuckBoi: speaking of which, I have a date planned, talk later

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now