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Very short chapter today but I'll probably post another one tomorrow so like don't worry about it


The name of the chat has been changed to Witness-Protection Program

Kryoz's name has been changed to Zoyrk

ChokingIsMyKink's name has been changed to VoreMeDaddy

Jon's name has been changed to BirthingCoach

BirthingCoach: I have some concerns

VoreMeDaddy: same

VoreMeDaddy: like John do u even know what this means?

Zoyrk: my name is not john its Juan

BirthingCoach: whatever ur name is, Craig and I have some concerns

Zoyrk: who the hell is craig? His name is Pablo

WildHoe: wtf just happened

RoastMasterV2 has been added to the chat.

RoastMasterV2: what did I miss

Zoyrk: nothing

BirthingCoach: a lot actually

VoreMeDaddy: I am very concerned for the welfare of these people

RoastMasterV2: nope not today Satan

RoastMasterV2: I'm going to Chick-fil-A fuck you all

Lui: rude

BirthingCoach: babe wait come back

BirthingCoach: I'm here to guide u thru ur process

BirthingCoach: gIVE BIRTH

RoastMasterV2: I'm going to pretend I never saw that so I can sleep soundly tonight

FuckBoi: John or Juan whatever the fuck, you do know what vore means right?

Zoyrk: of course I do

Zoyrk: what is it?

FuckBoi has sent three attachments.

VoreMeDaddy's name has been changed to CheeseMeFather

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