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It's TheOneTrueFry 's birthday so go show her some support and all that shit and yeah


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and Legiqn

RoastMasterV2: hi Jordan!!!!

Legiqn: wow ev y r u so excited

RoastMasterV2: cuz we haven't talked in a while and I'm lonely

Legiqn: Lucas isn't home?

RoastMasterV2: idk I don't live with him anymore, he's mad at me anyways

Legiqn: wtf, what happened?

RoastMasterV2: it was a whole lot of drama, and honestly I should've expected it to happen, but long story short we broke up and I got back together with Jon

Legiqn: are you safe

RoastMasterV2: yea, he lives in Canada Remember?

Legiqn: how would I know

RoastMasterV2: it's okay, I've seen your conversations with Lucas, I know the history you two have, you can admit it

Legiqn: I never wanted to lie to you

RoastMasterV2: it was Lucas, wasn't it?

Legiqn: how did u know

RoastMasterV2: I just do

RoastMasterV2: anyways, why don't we hang out sometime soon?

RoastMasterV2: also, are you bisexual?

Legiqn: pan, why?

RoastMasterV2: cuz I have five numbers from girls at mall and idk what to do with them

Legiqn: ew, mall girls

RoastMasterV2: ?

Legiqn: they're the reason the economy is down

RoastMasterV2: XD

RoastMasterV2: guess I'll throw them away then, so where you wanna meet up rn? Ur in town right?

Legiqn: yes I am good sir, and a little birdie has informed me you like Chick-fil-A

RoastMasterV2: idk what gave that away


Shit Show

FuckBoi: fuck all of you

FuckBoi: this groupchat is officially the worst decision I've ever made, I wish I had never met any of you

WildHoe: stfu Lucas

Lui: wth is going on over here?

Kryoz: oh you salty cuz you got exposed? Or salty because everyone else is having a great time without you?

FuckBoi: John you stfu, this is all your fault

SuniDey: alright calm down Lucas what's going on

FuckBoi: you can't talk to me, you're the newest member here you slut

ChokingIsMyKink: if you want to leave then leave Lucas, and don't talk to my girlfriend like that

WildHoe: where's Evan? He's better at this shit

FuckBoi: he's spending the day with Jordan, piece of shit

RoastMasterV2: excuse me, IM the piece of shit here? You're the one who's being all pissed off and moody, insulting people's partners and overall being a huge dick

RoastMasterV2: if ur so upset about being single, then leave

RoastMasterV2: we have dealt with your negativity long enough, now grow up and apologize or get the hell out

FuckBoi: I hope you get hit by a bus, Evan

FuckBoi has left the chat.

ChokingIsMyKink: and that's the tea

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now