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Next few chapters are short so I'm grouping them together basically, another chapter will be coming in the morning (morning for me) and possibly another one tomorrow night


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and BirthingCoach

RoastMasterV2: u love me right?

BirthingCoach: of course, I think you're the greatest human on Earth

BirthingCoach: what's wrong?

RoastMasterV2: nothing, I just wanted to make sure

BirthingCoach: Ik this is a loaded question, but do you love me?

RoastMasterV2: I think so, and I don't mean that like being petty or something but just like I think I'm letting myself love you

RoastMasterV2: after everything that's happened falling in love seems so scary

BirthingCoach: I get it, Evan, I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was mad at you cuz I'm not

BirthingCoach: this is ironic but I want you to feel safe around me, okay? Tell me anything

RoastMasterV2: Sami messaged me and said some shit that's why I needed to ask, I'm sorry pls don't tell anyone

BirthingCoach: Evan you need to tell people, tell the chat, what did she say?

RoastMasterV2 has sent four attachments.

RoastMasterV2: that's what she told me

BirthingCoach: none of that is true okay? Don't listen to her

RoastMasterV2: but luke rlly does hate me, Ik he does

BirthingCoach: he's a dick sometimes okay? But I love you, because you're amazing and awesome and hot as fuck, okay? Your friends love you too, because you're a great friend, they love you because you're honest and kind and friendly and make them laugh and your smile is contagious the way you pretend to be innocent is honestly adorable and if I could drop everything at this very second and kiss you I would

RoastMasterV2: for what it's worth, id kiss you too


Now showing private messages between Terroriser and ChokingIsMyKink

Terroriser: hey Craig

ChokingIsMyKink: hey

Terroriser: you and me r like the outsiders of the group now, we both have been shunned at one point

ChokingIsMyKink: I still am being shunned thank you very much

Terroriser: I like you

ChokingIsMyKink: Brian I like u too otherwise y would I talk to you????

Terroriser: not that kind of like

ChokingIsMyKink: oh

ChokingIsMyKink: OH

Terroriser: I understand if u don't feel the same but would you still do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?

ChokingIsMyKink: don't have to ask me twice

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now