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Praise Jesus

RoastMasterV2: ayyyyyeeeee

RoastMasterV2: who wants to go get sushi and/or Chick-fil-A with me?????????

Four07: you have a problem

RoastMasterV2: ik

RoastMasterV2: so who wants to come?????

WildHoe: me and john r down

FuckBoi: me too

ChokingIsMyKink: so r me and Sami

RoastMasterV2: sweet


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and Four07

RoastMasterV2: Scott I am so sorry for being such a dick lately, I don't like being rude, well not jokingly that is

RoastMasterV2: I know that what happened is out of your control, you can't control your feelings and I hate making you feel bad because of that

RoastMasterV2: I'm just, I don't know, sometimes I just get really emotional and sensitive and my immediate instinct is to mask it with anger and well, you know

RoastMasterV2: you don't have to forgive me, but just know that I'm really sorry and I don't want to be petty and I wish you the best for all your future relationships

Four07: Evan it's fine if you were upset, I did sort of just ditch you the second you got back

Four07: you have no reason to be sorry or explain your actions, but if that's what you need to do then I forgive you and thank you for the kind words, I hope you and Lucas are really happy together

RoastMasterV2: thanks Scott it really means a lot and I'm still really sorry for my behavior

Four07: don't worry about it Evan, it's fine


Four07 has added ChokingIsMyKink to the chat.
Four07 has added FuckBoi to the chat.
Four07 has added Lui to the chat.
Four07 has added DaithiDeNoPrivilege to the chat.
Four07 has added Moo to the chat.
Four07 has added BasicallyIDoWrk to the chat.
Four07 has added Kryoz to the chat.
Four07 has added WildHoe to the chat.
Four07 has added SuniDey to the chat.

Four07 has changed the name of the chat to Don't Tell

Don't Tell

Four07: alright you may be wondering why I have brought you all here

FuckBoi: yes I would like to know why you have literally invited everyone except my boyfriend into a groupchat

Four07: this is about Evan

WildHoe: what about him, is something wrong? Lucas is he ok?

FuckBoi: yea he's taking a shower while he decides between sushi and Chick-fil-A

Four07: ok so no one tell him about this chat

Four07: why not? Because I want to surprise him

Four07: Lucas I know he's your boyfriend but we can all agree he needs something nice in his life

WildHoe: that's tru

WildHoe: he's been so nice to all of us even tho the world has treated him like shit

FuckBoi: I agree he's such an adorable angel and he needs more love than I can ever give him

Four07: you give him the most love someone can give a person

FuckBoi: he's been so down lately because of what happened, even if he tries not to show it, and I just want to cheer him up but I can't

SuniDey: what does he like?

SuniDey: besides sushi and Chick-fil-A

WildHoe: he likes owls

Lui: what else?

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I don't know, he doesn't talk about himself that much

FuckBoi: we know he likes sushi and Chick-fil-A, owls, he's asexual, currently in a gay relationship

WildHoe: damnit why do we know nothing about him

Four07: because he cares so much about us

WildHoe: and yet we failed to notice he went missing for two months

Four07: that's not the point of this chat

ChokingIsMyKink: where tf is Lucas

FuckBoi: sorry Evan was calling me for something

Four07: tell us next time we're trying to have a conversation here

FuckBoi: I'm sorry but when my boyfriend calls me my priority is to him rather than a groupchat

SuniDey: the salt is strong with this one

FuckBoi: I just want my boyfriend to be ok

Kryoz: wait he's out of the shower? Shit we're gonna have to leave for lunch soon

WildHoe: oh yeah, you guys can keep talking but we gotta go

FuckBoi: he decided on sushi btw


Now showing private messages between Legiqn and FuckBoi.

Legiqn: hey babe, you miss me?

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now