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May or may not be planning a vanladd book......


Praise Jesus

Kryoz: Evan? Are you okay?

RoastMasterV2: I'm tired

WildHoe: sorry we weren't here earlier, Ev, me and john were on a date

RoastMasterV2: did you have fun?

WildHoe: we had a lot of fun

RoastMasterV2: that's good, I'm gonna go take a nap, ttyl

WildHoe: ok


Now showing private messages between Legiqn and RoastMasterV2

Legiqn: hi

RoastMasterV2: hello!!

Legiqn: this is my first time using this app, I hope I'm not being weird or anything

Legiqn: I'm Jordan btw

RoastMasterV2: ur not being weird at all!! My names Evan, nice to meet you!!!

RoastMasterV2: how are you?

Legiqn: I'm pretty bored rn, but overall I'm doing good, hbu

RoastMasterV2: I'm pretty good, I mean I feel a little sad but I can't help that, so I'm focusing on the positives in my life

Legiqn: what are those positives if you don't mind me asking?

RoastMasterV2: well, I mean I'm not dead, I have a lovely boyfriend, not struggling for money or anything

RoastMasterV2: there are plenty of people who have a worse life than me so I'm trying to be grateful for what I have and the people I can share that with rather than let my depression stop me

Legiqn: that's a great thing to do, Evan, I'm glad you're feeling that way

Legiqn: is your boyfriend nice?

RoastMasterV2: oh yea he's the best, his name is Lucas and I love him so much, he always buys me presents and gets me sushi and Chick-fil-A and even tho I feel like I don't do enough for him he tells me that it's okay and I don't need to do anything for him because me being his is enough

Legiqn: you two sound so cute

RoastMasterV2: do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other, Jordan?

Legiqn: no, but I used to

RoastMasterV2: aww, what happened?

Legiqn: I blew it, because I did some bad things, and because of that, he left me, now he has someone who treats him right

RoastMasterV2: what did you do? I'm sure it wasn't that bad

Legiqn: I was extremely abusive, and I don't even know why, I just didn't want him to leave, but that's not how you do it, is it?

RoastMasterV2: no, it's not, but at least you've realized your mistakes! That's more than I could say for my ex

Legiqn: was he abusive too?

RoastMasterV2: no, he wasn't, he was very sweet and I could tell he cared about me, but there were just aspects of my personality he didn't respect

Legiqn: like what?

RoastMasterV2: it's kinda embarrassing, you're just gonna think I'm making stuff up

Legiqn: I would never do that to someone as nice as you

RoastMasterV2: okay so I'm asexual and when I got with my ex, I had this weird thought that he would leave me if I told him I was asexual, so we had sex, you know, then a little later into the relationship I felt a little more comfortable and told myself it was a one time thing

RoastMasterV2: it was going great, he understood my feelings and things were fine

RoastMasterV2: then one night he got drunk and tried to force me, even tho I said no, but I got him off of me and he passed out on the floor.

RoastMasterV2: basically he didn't respect my sexuality, so I ended things

RoastMasterV2: then, erm, very recently, he tried to do the same thing, but luckily Lucas stopped him

RoastMasterV2: I'm sorry if all that made you uncomfortable and hate me I'm really sorry I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries

Legiqn: Evan you're fine, really you are

Legiqn: I'm sorry that you had to go through all that, you don't deserve it

Legiqn: I'm glad that you're happy now, you deserve that, happiness, you're very nice and I would love to be your friend if you let me, but idk if ur boyfriend would like me

RoastMasterV2: he's at work rn so idk, but maybe we should keep this in between us for now??

Legiqn: yea, that sounds good

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now