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Jk I lied posting it today


Trigger Warning


The steady beep of the heart rate monitor filled the otherwise silent room, the smell of disinfectant and vaccinations hung in the air, even through the closed door. In the middle lay a bed that, other than the metal frame it was made of, was bare of any color, save for the boy who lay there.

Blood seeped through the bandages that had been hastily wrapped around his arms, while he wore a necklace of indigo hues around his neck. The bruises were neatly placed on either side of his throat, black curled the edges of them before fading to a purple center, like a flower in full bloom. His chest rhythmically moved up and down, slower than a usual sleeping person would, but just right for a person in his situation. A person so pale, the once vivid color that painted his skin had dulled, a layer of pale blues, misty whites, and cool grays drowned out the warmer tones.

The four white walls of the room he lay in washed him out even more than the thin hospital gown, covered in light blue dots as a small splash of color minus the trimming of the room which was painted an opaque eggshell. Untouched, unmoving, he lay there, yet the heart monitor beeped on, not addressing the elephant in the room.

He was dying.


Now showing private messages between ChokingIsMyKink and Terroriser

ChokingIsMyKink: ok so like don't tell anyone but Jon told me that he booked a last minute flight so that he could surprise Evan!!! Isn't that super cute????

Terroriser: how are you the top is what I want to know

Terroriser: I mean like yes that's a cute and romantic gesture but the way you explained it was just so gay

ChokingIsMyKink: I'm only half gay thank you very much and it is super cute and romantic bc Jon knows that Evan has been missing him and so he's surprising him with a visit!!!!

Terroriser: okay that's pretty cute

Terroriser: but even if ur half gay u act like a full gay

ChokingIsMyKink: I may act like a full gay but I can fuck you like a straight person

Terroriser: idk what that means exactly, but it sounds hot

ChokingIsMyKink: no but srsly I'm really glad that Jon is going to see Evan, it's really going to cheer him up

ChokingIsMyKink: he's been a bit down lately, hasn't he?


Jonathan had been pacing the length of the waiting room back and forth for half an hour, nervous eyes glancing between the clock and the room that was just in his line of vision, the perfect distance away so that he could see all the doctors and nurses that ran in and out of his boyfriend's room. It had been about twenty minutes with no activity, but he hadn't dared to go in without the consent of a doctor. The thought of seeing Evan for the last time worried him beyond relief, one of the reasons it kept him from rushing through that door and holding the boy in his arms.

He, just like Evan, was scared.

Flicking his left wrist towards him swiftly, he checked his watch for what seemed like the millionth time that day, mentally checking off every passing minute he waited, every passing minute he felt like tearing himself apart. The palms of his hands had grown sweaty, all the pacing he had been doing left him out of breath as his pace had grown quicker every time he checked the time. Needless to say, his heart rate was higher than it should be after five minutes of pacing. Hyperventilation was creeping up on the horizon, threatening to attack him with full force with every nervous glance to the door, yet somehow he kept his panic at bay.

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