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Witness-Protection Program

FuckBoi: I'm sorry for my behavior, idk what got into me

BirthingCoach: it's fine, you were worried about your friend, it's understandable

BirthingCoach: Evans asleep rn so don't take his not answering you personally

FuckBoi: I'm glad he's getting some rest

Moo: Jon, is Evan okay?

BirthingCoach: yeah, he's fine :) oh, his flight to the states is tomorrow, one of you can pick him up, right?

Moo: me and Marcel can pick him up

BirthingCoach: perfect

Legiqn: I would also like to apologize once again because I feel like I caused a disturbance

ChokingIsMyKink: sorry I've been absent from the chat for a while I've been taking an online class and I was applying for jobs and Shit

Four07: bitch no one ever explains why they ain't here

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: true, but if the couples are missing it's assumed they are doing things together


Now showing private messages between SuniDey and RoastMasterV2

SuniDey: hey ev!

RoastMasterV2: blocked

SuniDey: come on, that's no way to treat your friend's ex-girlfriend and you know it

RoastMasterV2: fuck off, I don't want to talk to you

SuniDey: but I want to talk to you, Evan. You and your ability to think that after everything that's happened, you're still gonna have a place in that groupchat of yours

RoastMasterV2: you're not even in the chat anymore, you don't know shit

SuniDey: I happen to be good friends with Jordan, Lucas' current lover

SuniDey: Ik a lot of things, Evan. And in return I just wanted control of Craig, but that didn't happen, so you can imagine what I want next

RoastMasterV2: it's a groupchat why is it so important?

SuniDey: you're the reason my relationship is over, so now it's time for me to ruin yours

SuniDey: Luke, your boyfriend's friend, he hates you, he is convinced that you're a terrible person, he doesn't think you're right for Jon, that's why he made him treat you terribly, because you are just a piece of trash.

RoastMasterV2: I'm blocking you

SuniDey: nonsense, if you were gonna block me you would've already done it

SuniDey: because you know LuKe is right about you, he's right about everything, you know that you're a piece of trash, don't you?

RoastMasterV2: shut up

SuniDey: everyone would be way better off without someone like you, Evan, which is exactly why you won't tell anyone about this conversation, because it's true, right Evan?

RoastMasterV2: no, you're wrong

RoastMasterV2: Jon loves me, my friends love me

SuniDey: of course they do, Evan, of course they do.

TextMate: Uh-oh! It appears that the user you are trying to contact has blocked you. Would you like to receive a notification if they undo their actions? Please reply with YES or NO.

SuniDey: NO

TextMate: Got it! If you happen to change your mind, you can turn on notifications for this contact in your Conversation Settings. For a tutorial on how to use this tab, message our Help account (HelpMate) the keyword CONVERSATION

TextMate: Enjoy your day!

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now