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Ok but like I had the best birthday party on Saturday night like it was great


Witness-Protection Program

RoastMasterV2: thank you guys

RoastMasterV2: ik this is random but srsly thank you all so much for being here

RoastMasterV2: you make everyday of my life worth living, even if we have shitty days and go through rough patches

RoastMasterV2: I just want you all to know that I love you, no matter what happens, I love you all and I hope we're friends for the rest of our lives

RoastMasterV2: I wish I knew u guys when I was in high school, that would've made my life so much easier and better and happier, but it's fine because now I know you guys

RoastMasterV2: everyone is so nice and accepting and I'm so grateful that you put up with my shit, because I'm so annoying and ur all so amazing and you make me so happy

RoastMasterV2: please never change

FuckBoi: Evan ur great too, I'm glad we can make your life just a little bit better

WildHoe: Evan I rlly think u r what holds this group together

Moo: ^^^^^^

Moo: no matter what happens you always come back, Evan, you always keep trying to make things right

BirthingCoach: babe u make everyone in this groupchat happy idk what we would do without you

Lui: I love spreading love and positivity *wipes tear*

Zoyrk: where tf have u been u piece of shit

CheeseMeFather: and here I was thinking we had moved on and changed our ways

Zoyrk: no fuck that I'm a HYPEBEAST

WildHoe: so he may have gotten into the beer

RoastMasterV2: who's getting exposed today boys?????

BirthingCoach: wtf it's noon

WildHoe: u think Idk that?????

Zoyrk: I only drink the best beer

Zoyrk: I drink Two Hats beer, its light, cheap, and refreshing

Zoyrk: this is a sponsored post

SuniDey: wtf

SuniDey: Craig I swear it gets weirder everyday

CheeseMeFather: ur still in the groupchat, babe

RoastMasterV2: you two talking shit?

Zoyrk: ofc they are, so much shit happens in this chat it's ridiculous

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