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May or may not post the VanLadd book on my birthday


Praise Jesus

The name of the chat has been changed to Shit Show

Shit Show

Moo: so it's pretty obvious that things here are tense

Kryoz: I wonder why

WildHoe: Brock isn't the one at fault here John

BasicallyIDoWrk: yea John this is kinda our fault

Moo: I just want to know why, I thought I could trust everyone here

FuckBoi: Evan thought that too, and now I haven't seen him for a month and a half

FuckBoi: what happened to us, guys?

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: there's a lot of negative energy here, maybe we should just let it all out rn, have a fresh start

Lui: David I don't think that's the best idea

BasicallyIDoWrk: I'm down

Moo: same

ChokingIsMyKink: wait wait hold on me and Sami were out of town wtf is happening

FuckBoi: Evan found out about Jordan and all that shit, he flipped out on us cuz we lied to him and so he hated everyone and then I got really upset so I exposed Marcel and john for cheating

ChokingIsMyKink: so what's happening now?

Lui: we're going to let out all our grievances rn so we can deal with them and try to put this groupchat back to normal bc rn it's tearing us apart

SuniDey: oh that sounds fun

Four07: so who's going to start?

Moo: so we just let everything out? Like everything that's troubling us about the chat?

FuckBoi: relationship drama, unless it's too personal than that's something you deal with in private, anything else, grudges, etc

BasicallyIDoWrk: Brock I made a terrible mistake but it wasn't all my fault that sounds like I'm trying to escape the blame but I'm not

Kryoz: oh shit we're actually doing this then

Kryoz: Marcel don't you try to blame me you could've stopped me at anytime

BasicallyIDoWrk: Brock I'm going to be completely honest, I was sober

Moo: wtf so you meant to? What the hell

BasicallyIDoWrk: ik I'm a piece of Shit I don't deserve you because you treat me great idk what I was thinking but I'm a dumbass and I don't expect your forgiveness and john I'm so sorry

Kryoz: don't be sorry dude topping you was great


BasicallyIDoWrk: that's nOT IMPORTANT

WildHoe: John how could you do this to me? Idc what you think but I actually really like you, I think I'm falling in love with you but apparently you don't feel the same if this is how you're acting

Kryoz: Tyler, sweetie, babe, sweetheart, I love you so much, but I think we can all see that I have a history of doing stupid shit while I'm drunk

WildHoe: being drunk isn't an excuse, John, you knew what you were doing and you still did it, if it was out of your control I would understand but it wasn't, you knew, john, you fucking knew

Kryoz: babe I'm so sorry

WildHoe: sorry doesn't cut it John, this is the third relationship you've ruined within the past twenty four hours

WildHoe: Lucas trusted you, and you betrayed that trust, twice, and now you're trying to defend yourself when he does the same thing to you

Kryoz: well I'm sorry that I feel bad that Evan is always lied to despite how much Lucas loves him, love doesn't lie, and it's tru I lied to Tyler and Marcel lied to Brock and Lucas lied to Evan and we all lied to Evan

Kryoz: we can't change what happened, I told Evan the truth because I was drunk and wasnt thinking and I just wanted there to be no secrets, and now they're aren't

Lui: David I cheated on you when we were together

Kryoz: you know what fuck what I just said

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I cheated on you too

Four07: Lucas I'm so sorry but while you were kidnapped I also cheated on you

FuckBoi: where tf did this all come from

Lui: David I cheated on you with some girl

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: Lui

Four07: it was me and David

SuniDey: I did not expect all this, this is like a really good tv show

ChokingIsMyKink: Sami, just no, come on

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: Scott I really like you

Four07: I really like you too

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: you want to go on a date?

Four07: sure

FuckBoi: alright so we have one happy ending

ChokingIsMyKink: this is totally irrelevant by now but you want to know why I made out with your cousin, Tyler? He just grabbed me and kissed me, then when you got all upset and left he apologized because he was just trying to see if he was gay

WildHoe: oh

WildHoe: I'm sorry for getting so upset then, I didn't realize

ChokingIsMyKink: he said that he knew he shouldn't have but I was the only guy there who wasn't his family and the gay thing was really bothering him

WildHoe: I forgive you Craig, I hope your current relationship goes well

FuckBoi: two happy endings

Moo: Marcel, I forgive you, but I think we should take a break

BasicallyIDoWrk: no don't say that Brock, please don't say that, a break means we're never getting back together please don't say that Brock I love you and I made a mistake I'll do whatever it takes pls just don't say that

WildHoe: John, I know you say a lot of dumb shit and do a lot of dumb Shit when you're drunk, but I also know that when you're sober you don't mean them, you're very very sorry and feel bad for the things you did

WildHoe: ik you feel really bad for cheating on me, ik you feel extra bad for betraying lucas' trust, but I'm willing to forgive you, just promise me you'll only drink when I'm around

Kryoz: I promise Tyler, I love you so much

WildHoe: I love you too

FuckBoi: three happy endings

Moo: Marcel we still live together, I just want to rebuild the trust we had slowly, okay? So, let's just take a little break

BasicallyIDoWrk: I guess I can live with that

FuckBoi: anyone else?

RoastMasterV2: I have one

Terroriser has been added to the chat.

RoastMastV2: Brian, I forgive you

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