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Friendly reminder about my book 'F.A.F' that's H2OVanoss and I'm actually high key proud of the plot I have planned for it so like if u want to check it out that's cool but if not that's cool too have a great day I love you


RoastMasterV2 has been kicked from the chat.

FuckBoi has been kicked from the chat.

Praise Jesus

Four07: John u have three texts to explain yourself

Kryoz: Evan and Lucas are supposedly in Canada, right? Meaning that they can't use their phones with cellular data, but the funny thing about THIS app is that it runs on WIFI not CELLULAR DATA meaning that they should be able to keep in contact with us as long as they have a solid wifi connection

Kryoz: which, if they actually ARE at Evan's family's house, they should have that connection

Kryoz: ALSO, remember when Evan had told us he lost his phone? AND that he sent an email? Chances are he could try to do the same thing, if that was actually him, which it could very well not be because let's be real, who the HELL uses email???? Either way, using his family's phones and computers, he should be able to communicate with us and the fact that they have both done so very scarcely proves that something is up

Kryoz: permission for another text?

Four07: granted

Kryoz: i understand that I'm new to this chat, and that it really isn't my place to speak BUT when I first joined you all were freaking out about Evan's ex, correct? More specifically, that his ex was going to hurt him. I'm sorry to say this, but what if he already did? I mean, these two fall off the face of the Earth, and conveniently happen to send a text that they aren't even in the country as soon as we suspicious? So, what if Evan's ex has hurt BOTH of them?!

WildHoe: holy shit ur right I'm a complete dumbass

Lui: time to go back to college

Four07: if what you're saying here adds up correctly, then Jon has been monitoring what we've been saying for the past two months! Maybe more

ChokingIsMyKink: more? How so?

BasicallyIDoWrk: after Evan got out of the hospital, you guys saw him and hung out with him and his texting was slow and he seemed a bit down, but it was after the airport incident that he seemed off

Four07: yeah, his texting was frantic and that's not like him at all, yeah he gets stressed out and angry and stuff but he never acts like that

Lui: what the hell did Jon do then?

ChokingIsMyKink: but why would he stage a conversation with himself? With Brian?

Moo: because he's a psychopath

Kryoz: psychopath or not, he has your friends

Four07: but how do we know it's him for sure?

Kryoz: what was the last thing Lucas told you before he 'went to Canada with evan'

Four07: that he was going to Evan's place...

Kryoz: and then he went radio silent

Moo: aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now