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Been working really hard on pre-writing chapters for you guys!!!


Praise Jesus

RoastMasterV2: I got sushi u hoes get on my level

ChokingIsMyKink: YOURE FREE??????? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US?????

RoastMasterV2: I wanted to enjoy my first day of freedom with sushi and Lucas

WildHoe: Lucas I think Evan likes sushi more than you

FuckBoi: ik

FuckBoi: sushi offers him more than I ever could :'(

RoastMasterV2: luv u babe <3

Lui: Evan is fReE?!?!?!2?-!-?

RoastMasterV2: ur on dRuGs?!?/!/?/?2!

Lui: first of all, rude

Lui: second of all, point taken

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I guess Evan just hates us

FuckBoi: no it's just if we invited you I'd have to buy sushi for everyone and I ain't got that kind of money

SuniDey: we could've paid for ourselves????

FuckBoi: you don't have that kind of money

SuniDey: ok first of all, that was rude, but tru

FuckBoi: exactly so I'm only paying for me and my lovely bf

WildHoe: wow ur cheating on Evan that's just rude

RoastMasterV2: hoe I will fight

WildHoe: do it no balls

FuckBoi: hoe imma fight as well

WildHoe: John ur not gonna help me????

Kryoz: I'm a lover not a fighter

WildHoe: wtf.....

FuckBoi: Evan is taking my sushi!1!1!1!1!1!!11!

RoastMasterV2: it's always been my sushi I was just saving it in front of you

FuckBoi: damnit



RoastMasterV2: the thing is, no

ChokingIsMyKink: y not

FuckBoi: we're moving Evan's shit to my place today

WildHoe: YALL ARE MOVING IN TOGETHER?????!?!?!??!??!!???!???

Kryoz: Tyler r u ok

WildHoe: *wipes away tears* my boys are growing up

ChokingIsMyKink: we should all help!!!!

RoastMasterV2: no

FuckBoi: babe come on, if they break anything I'll sue them

FuckBoi: that's all he's worried about, you breaking some of his shit

Lui: David u can't come

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: tf u tryna say

ChokingIsMyKink: ok so everyone but David, that's like ten people and we can all go out to eat after!!!!!!!

FuckBoi: Evan says he will only agree to this if we get Chick-fil-A

Four07: I'll pay

ChokingIsMyKink: where tf have u been

FuckBoi: he's been busy

Four07: yea

RoastMasterV2: so, everyone's coming over???? Alright, don't mind the caution tape, the police said it's fine to take my stuff

WildHoe: never thought I'd see a text like that come from you

RoastMasterV2: never thought I'd send a text like that tbh

FuckBoi: Evan where tf r u going


RoastMasterV2: sorry I just needed some fresh air didn't mean to upset u I'm sorry

FuckBoi: it's okay, just tell me next time okay?

RoastMasterV2: ok


FuckBoi: hey when you guys get here can you take everything except the bed out of the main bedroom

WildHoe: what are we, ur slaves?

FuckBoi: Evan refuses to go in there

Lui: oh okay yea we can do that


Now showing private messages between Kryoz and FuckBoi

Kryoz: don't tell Evan I'm texting you

Kryoz: not because I'm going to say anything bad I just don't want to worry him but knowing what I'm about to tell you you won't want to tell him anyway

FuckBoi: ok? I'm slightly alarmed?

Kryoz: don't worry, as long as you tell the truth and are as good of a person I think you are, you'll be fine

FuckBoi: what's happening

Kryoz: I'm going to ask you a question, and I need your honest answer

Kryoz: the question itself is simple

FuckBoi: what is it

Kryoz: who really stabbed Evan

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now