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Shit Show

RoastMasterV2: I am so so sorry for my behavior the other day

RoastMasterV2: especially to Scott and Marcel idk what was wrong with me I was just upset and I should NOT have taken it out on you two

RoastMasterV2: I feel so bad

Four07: it's okay Evan, I get it

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: now that you mention it

Four07: David stfu he didn't mean it

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: but it was still rude

RoastMasterV2: it's fine Scott, what I said was super bad

Four07: and you said it to me, not David, and I forgive you, so don't worry about it

Moo: exactly, like I don't think what you said was okay, but I don't know the full circumstances and it's not my decision to forgive you

BasicallyIDoWrk: Evan it's completely fine, after all the shit this chat has put you through, you deserve a couple of dick moments. Besides, ur user is RoastMaster after all

BasicallyIDoWrk: it's totally fine, Evan, don't stress about it, okay?

Four07: yo lets celebrate Evans birthday today????

RoastMasterV2: I don't deserve a celebration after what I said

Lui: don't say that Evan

CheeseMeFather: of course u deserve a celebration

SuniDey: yea let's go get u ur sushi and have a good time

BirthingCoach: I don't have to go if u don't want me to babe

RoastMasterV2: no u need to come, it's for my birthday

RoastMasterV2: I still don't think I deserve it, but I guess it's never a bad time to get sushi so let's go

WildHoe: tbh I've had the cake at my place for the past two days and it's a miracle John has yet to eat it

Zoyrk: how dare u think so lowly of me I'm a great person I don't deserve this


RoastMasterV2: omg I know I rly didn't want to celebrate my birthday at first but that was fucking GREAT

FuckBoi: ikr

FuckBoi: did you see Jordan dancing on the table?

Four07: or David trying to pole dance at the stop sign??????

Moo: that was awesome tbh

BasicallyIDoWrk: how did we manage to go to three separate places for drinks and not lose anyone

SuniDey: didn't we lose Craig for like half an hour

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: yea but he was just crying in the restroom which honestly is a mood

RoastMasterV2: yea that was really relatable

BirthingCoach: but realistically how did we NOT get kicked out of anywhere?

RoastMasterV2: because everywhere we went was boring as hell until we got there

Zoyrk: we were literally a group of fourteen people laughing and joking around, ordering a ridiculous amount of chicken wings and French fries

Zoyrk: people were literally walking in just so they could see what we were celebrating

Zoyrk: they kept cheering on Scott and David as they made out XD

RoastMasterV2: that party was the best one I've ever been to tbh

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: it was LIT

Four07: never say that again

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: it was L I T

Four07: wtf???????

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: L I T 

Four07: blocked and reported

WildHoe: when ur boyfriend blocks you

Zoyrk: can't relate

BirthingCoach: if they block you after you broke up does it still count cuz same

Moo: I'd say relatable but I can't relate

BasicallyIDoWrk: it does sound like it could be relatable in all honesty

Terroriser: wait I just realized something

CheeseMeFather: ?????

Terroriser: when the hell did Evan unblock Jon?????????

Four07: that's a good question right there

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: yea that is actually

FuckBoi: ^^^^^

BirthingCoach: yea when did you unblock me?

RoastMasterV2: shit I'm being called out gotta blast

Terroriser: nope can't get out of this one

RoastMasterV2: fine I unblocked him a day after I blocked him alright fucking sue me I'm weak

Moo: holy shit ur so nice

RoastMasterV2: bitch fight me

WildHoe: how are you so pure and genuine????????

BirthingCoach: I don't think he's all that pure

RoastMasterV2: yea idk where ur getting pure from

WildHoe: I love this

WildHoe: everyone is just so happy rn and it's great


Now showing private messages between Legiqn and FuckBoi

Legiqn: you didn't do anything when Evan was at your place right? After you picked him up from the hospital?

FuckBoi: ofc not he has a bf and I have a bf he's just my friend also weren't you there?

Legiqn: you two were still up when I went to bed

Legiqn: also it doesn't matter if he has a bf because he's still your ex

FuckBoi: he broke up with me

Legiqn: exactly so I don't want you crawling back to him

Legiqn: he had his chance

Legiqn: you're mine now, got it?

FuckBoi: babe I'm not an object

Legiqn: got it?

FuckBoi: .....

FuckBoi: yes

Legiqn: yes what?

FuckBoi: yes daddy, I'm yours

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now