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You know I'm having a fantastic day I mean it's absolutely terrific so because I'm in a good mood it's a double update


Praise Jesus

Kryoz: YO

Kryoz: I'm bored

FuckBoi: hey can you stfu my boyfriend is sleeping and I don't want you waking him up

Kryoz: it's not my fault ur a liar

WildHoe: why is there always drama here

ChokingIsMyKink: cuz that's how groupchats work

ChokingIsMyKink: we get out all our shit talking here and then we hate each other a little less in real life

RoastMasterV2: speak for yourself I still hate all of you in real life

WildHoe: wow rude

RoastMasterV2: ik ik

FuckBoi: Evan just likes to shit talk both in the groupchat and outside the groupchat so like

ChokingIsMyKink: that's very tru

SuniDey: I just realized how accurate Craig's name is

SuniDey: he always makes choking jokes

WildHoe: ikr

ChokingIsMyKink: dONT EXPOSE ME

FuckBoi: I just realized that it's four am and even tho I told u fucks not to wake up Evan you still did

WildHoe: this always happens u can't b salty

Lui: exactly

ChokingIsMyKink: you know the real question is why the hell are we all up at this time

BasicallyIDoWrk: I'm trying to study can u guys not

RoastMasterV2: this dude over here Trying to get an education what a loser

FuckBoi: Evan go back to sleep

RoastMasterV2: no fuck that you go back to sleep

RoastMasterV2: I am a very capable adult and can make my own decisions thank you very much

Four07: evan just listen to Lucas and go to sleep

RoastMasterV2: gfy

WildHoe: what does that mean

ChokingIsMyKink: go fuck yourself

WildHoe: wow ok Craig I was just asking a simple question you didn't have to attack me like this

ChokingIsMyKink: no you dumbass that's what gfy means Go Fuck Yourself, GFY

RoastMasterV2: ^^^^^^

Four07: wow ok ev that was rude

RoastMasterV2: hi my name is Evan nice to meet you

BasicallyIDoWrk: get shit on loser

Moo: babe I thought you were studying?????

BasicallyIDoWrk: fuck that shit I'm going to bed

Moo: wow ok guess I'm the backbone of this household then

RoastMasterV2: same dude

FuckBoi: no u r not

RoastMasterV2: wanna fight about it?

FuckBoi: no daddy I'm sorry I'll never question you again

RoastMasterV2: yeah that's what I fucking thought

Kryoz: damn Evan you good?

RoastMasterV2: I'm fine

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now