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Now showing private messages between BirthingCoach and RoastMasterV2

BirthingCoach: can I just let myself in babe? I got an uber to ur place

RoastMasterV2: yea sure, you know where the spare is, right?

BirthingCoach: yup, cya later :)


Witness-Protection Program

FuckBoi: guess who's got a boyfriend

WildHoe: rly? I'm proud

Terroriser: there's my misunderstood son

FuckBoi: I'm not ur son but ok

Moo: we still need to celebrate Evan's birthday now that Jon is in town

RoastMasterV2: I'm not feeling very good today, can we do it later? Pls? I'm sorry

BasicallyIDoWrk: it's okay Evan don't strain yourself

RoastMasterV2: I'm really sorry, btw Lucas I'm happy for you

BirthingCoach: Evan's just feeling a bit down today, he should be fine

Four07: Evan it's seriously fine don't worry about it

Four07: u need to take care of yourself

RoastMasterV2: ok

FuckBoi: it's your birthday Evan, we can celebrate it whenever you want :)

Moo: damn Lucas gets a boyfriend and it really has improved his mood

Terroriser: do we know this mystery boyfriend???

FuckBoi: .......maybe

Zoyrk: omg Lucas u didn't

FuckBoi: ???

BasicallyIDoWrk: ?????

Zoyrk: ur a fucking hypocrite you know that Lucas?

WildHoe: wtf???? Is??? Happening???????

Zoyrk: it's pretty obvious

Zoyrk: Lucas got back with his ex

Zoyrk: u fucking hypocrite

FuckBoi: I can do what I want, I'm an adult

RoastMasterV2: fucking hypocrite

FuckBoi: excuse me?

RoastMasterV2: you tell me not to get back with my ex and then u turn around and get back with urs cuz ur a fucking hypocrite

BirthingCoach: everyone needs to calm down

Terroriser: I agree this chat was finally calming down we can't do this now

CheeseMeFather: top ten anime betrayals

Four07: so I've learned that I can't leave this chat for more than an hour after 9AM

Zoyrk: what about our daily 2AM-4AM conversations?

Four07: the hours of this chat are 9AM-4AM which means you can sleep between the hours of 5AM-8AM which means we all need to have at least three hours of sleep

Moo: how tf did u come up with that

Four07: I've had three hours of sleep

Moo: then I guess that theory makes sense

Zoyrk: id say it's pretty accurate tbh

Four07: exactly, usually the rules are taken very lightly, but lately you always have to be checking this damn chat it's a real pain in the ass tbh

WildHoe: these are the facts we need in our education system

Four07: see? Everyone gets only four hours of sleep

RoastMasterV2: speak for urself bitch I get eight hours of sleep every night

Four07: Jon can u confirm

BirthingCoach: these r straight facts

Four07: ok well fuck me then

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: or you could fuck me ;)


DaithiDeNoPrivilege: Scott treats me good what can I say

FuckBoi: relatable

FuckBoi: even tho I have a new bf that's relatable

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: I was about to get pissed but then I remembered u guys used to date

Moo: I think almost everyone here has dated at least another person of the group

BasicallyIDoWrk: I've only dated one person out of the group and that's Brock

Moo: I tried to get with Brian but that didn't work out which is fine cuz Marcel is AMAZING

Terroriser: ok like I know I rejected you but I'm still hurt?????

Four07: hold on I'm gonna back trace a bit

Four07: Lucas weren't YOU the top?????

FuckBoi: don't need to be a bottom bitch to be treated right by yo man

Moo: it's a mood

BasicallyIDoWrk: as a bottom bitch, I treat Brock right EVERYDAY

Moo: ;)

RoastMasterV2: ok this conversation just got weird I'm out

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now