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Witness-Protection Program

Zoyrk: so how is everyone, the chats been kinda dead lately.

RoastMasterV2: I'm doing great hbu

Zoyrk: fantastic, how r u and Jon? Is he doing well?

RoastMasterV2: we're doing great, he's doing great too, he was supposed to fly over in a couple of weeks but he's busy looking for a job and such

WildHoe: good, he's not going to be such a free loader

WildHoe: jk jk

Moo: how's the newest couple doing

Terroriser: we're doing amazing thank you very much like holy shit it's such an incredible day

RoastMasterV2: u two had sex didn't u

Four07: damn Evan just got straight to the point

RoastMasterV2: but I'm not straight??? Stop assuming my sexuality??? I'm suing???

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: Scott imma need you to be more respectful if this thing between us is going to work out

ChokingIsMyKink: hi hello I'd like a front row seat and a tall cup of tea

Lui: I'll have what he's having

Four07: how's being single going, huh Lui?

RoastMasterV2: oh shit he went there

Terroriser: so Craig is great in bed

WildHoe: Ik

RoastMasterV2: I always forget that you two used to date

FuckBoi: same

Legiqn: oh they did? I didn't know that, guess I must be new around here

FuckBoi: sometimes u have rlly funny jokes

FuckBoi: other times you just disappoint me

ChokingIsMyKink: Evan

RoastMasterV2: yeah?

ChokingIsMyKink: what did Sami tell you?

WildHoe: bitch what

Four07: u Trying to tell me that bitch was trying to come after Evan?

RoastMasterV2: u don't have any proof

ChokingIsMyKink: Jon just told me, are you okay?

RoastMasterV2: I'm fine, we're not getting into this shit again why don't u people just trust me

ChokingIsMyKink: Evan we do trust you

RoastMasterV2: yea, I can see that


RoastMasterV2: Chick-fil-A????? Anyone??????

WildHoe: I've never seen u have more perfect timing I was literally just thinking about food

ChokingIsMyKink: bitch yass

Terroriser: I may be bottom but Craig is way more gay than me

WildHoe: ^^^^^^^

Zoyrk: every time we bring up something sexual I feel like we're excluding Evan tbh

RoastMasterV2: dude it's fine

RoastMasterV2: so, Chick-fil-A????

Lui: I'm down

WildHoe: so r me and john

Moo: count BasicallyIDoMoo in

RoastMasterV2: so u DO like the ship name?????

Moo: I mean it's completely wrong since he doesn't do me but MooIDoWrk sounds weird

BasicallyIDoWrk: honestly tho I'm kinda into it

BasicallyIDoWrk has changed their name to MooIDoWrk

MooIDoWrk: I like it

Lui: hey can I invite my gf????

RoastMasterV2: what since when have u got a gf?????

Four07: yeah I wanna know too

Lui: her name is Taylor and I met her at McDonalds at three in the morning

DaithiDeNoPrivilege: *wipes away a tear* now that's a keeper

RoastMasterV2: yea sure she can come as long as she's not a dick

Lui: I promise she isn't

Terroriser: idk if I made it clear earlier but me and Craig are also in

Moo: Craig and I******

Terroriser: I will choke you

MooIDoWrk: bitch excuse me get ur kinks away from my bf I will sue u for harassment

RoastMasterV2: wow so I'm gonna be the only single guy there then????

FuckBoi: aww Evan, don't worry u still have a bf

Legiqn: but yes out of this group of like sixteen people or something ur gonna be lonely as fuck at Chick-fil-A

RoastMasterV2: why is that such a mood??????


Now showing private messages between JonAthan and ChokingIsMyKink

JonAthan: hey Craig, I just wanted to ask how Evan was doing since I'm in Canada and can't text him

ChokingIsMyKink: aren't u friends with him on this app?????

JonAthan: I'm using a different account cuz my other one got hacked and I'm not friends with him on this one and I forgot his true username

ChokingIsMyKink: honestly I did too

ChokingIsMyKink: but he's doing fine, we went to Chick-fil-A earlier and he was the only one there without a significant other

JonAthan: omg noooo I wish was there :(

ChokingIsMyKink: yea I mean he was a little quieter than usual but I think he just missed you cuz he was laughing and making jokes and I could rlly tell he was happy

JonAthan: that's great, I'm so glad he's happy even tho I can't make it in cuz of Job interviews and shit

ChokingIsMyKink: aw, no it's fine, he's doing okay and that'll just make the next time you see him extra special :D

JonAthan: I guess ur right, thx Craig

ChokingIsMyKink: np, can't wait until you can hang out with us

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now