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897 70 34

We hit 30k??????? Omg????? Like what??????? Thanks?????????????

Now showing private messages between Legiqn and FuckBoi

Legiqn: aww Lucas, did you miss me? I know you did, you haven't seen me for months

Legiqn: don't ignore me, Lucas, I miss you and want to talk to you

Legiqn: how's Evan?

FuckBoi: leave him alone, bitch

Legiqn: feisty, eh? Guess you really like him, too bad he's not yours

FuckBoi: fuck off, how did you even find me?

Legiqn: oh, I got some new friends, they happen to know you, and one of them has the hots for your boyfriend

FuckBoi: how the hell do you know Jon

Legiqn: this app, of course

Legiqn: TextMate is right, their app makes staying connected a hell of a lot easier

Legiqn: so, why don't you save yourself a shit ton of trouble and dump Evan, come back with me, and no one has to get hurt

Legiqn: all Jon wants is evan, he doesn't care where everyone else ends up

FuckBoi: all you do is hurt people, hurt me, so fuck off

Legiqn: not true

Legiqn: I had plenty of opportunity to hurt you when I stabbed Evan, remember? And yet, all I did was steal a kiss right off your lips

Legiqn: I know you don't want to hurt Evan, but you won't, jon's going to take care of him

FuckBoi: no he won't, you don't know him, all he is going to do is ruin Evan

FuckBoi: Jordan just fuck off, I don't love you, I love Evan

FuckBoi: I'm so in love with him that I don't even know what I saw in you in the first place

Legiqn: I tried to play nice, but now you've pissed me off

Legiqn: I hope he's worth it, Lucas


Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and Kryoz

FuckBoi: his name is Jordan, he's extremely abusive, and I'm worried that he's going to hurt Evan

Kryoz: Jordan, huh?

Kryoz: finally, a name to match the stabbings

Kryoz: the only question here is, how does Brian fit into this?

FuckBoi: John get your head out of your ass

FuckBoi: I'm trusting you with this information that I haven't even told Evan so hold your investigation for five minutes and help me out

Kryoz: I've never been in an abusive relationship, but if you're worried about Evan then you have to be by his side anytime you can, spend time with him but not to the point where you worry him

FuckBoi: he's working with jon and his friends, so they're all in Canada or actually maybe they're not idk but I'm scared

Kryoz: maybe you should ask the chat

Kryoz: the one without Evan of course


Don't Tell

FuckBoi has sent three attachments.

FuckBoi: someone

FuckBoi: please help me

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now