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Look okay idk how it happened but suddenly I have fourteen prewritten chapters for this book I NEED A LIFE


Praise Jesus

RoastMasterV2: CHICK-FIL-A

FuckBoi: we have to drop off all this shit first babe

RoastMasterV2: DAMNIT

WildHoe: Lucas ur depriving the poor boy

SuniDey: #stoptheabuse

FuckBoi: I don't want to lug all this shit to Chick-fil-A

FuckBoi: they're gonna think we're hoarders or something

Lui: I disagree with this behavior I don't think Evan should be deprived

FuckBoi: not even back a week and I'm already getting hate

RoastMasterV2: I love you, but I want Chick-fil-A

ChokingIsMyKink: u always want Chick-fil-A

RoastMasterV2: nope not on sundays that's the day for the Lord

SuniDey: 'when I think about the LORD'

ChokingIsMyKink: Sami now is not the time for obscure foreign references

SuniDey: it is always time for obscure foreign references

RoastMasterV2: this is true

FuckBoi: u know if u stopped texting we could be at Chick-fil-A much faster

FuckBoi: annnddd Evan just face planted in excitement

RoastMasterV2: I panicked a bit

WildHoe: 'a bit'

Kryoz: babe just let him be excited for Chick-fil-A

FuckBoi: stop the chit chat we gotta go

SuniDey: alright calm down


FuckBoi has sent one attachment.

FuckBoi: he looks so happy I can't

WildHoe: isn't it kinda creepy that you took a picture of Evan eating

FuckBoi: not if I'm his boyfriend

WildHoe: tru

Kryoz: is that how romance works

Kryoz: hold on lemme try it

Kryoz has sent two attachments.

Kryoz: I don't think I did it right, he should not be flipping me off, correct?

FuckBoi: no I don't think that's how it works

Kryoz: well shit I'm single again

Kryoz: quick someone ask me out

WildHoe: ayyyyeeee bby wanna go out, make out in a bathroom stall, you know??

Kryoz: yassss bby


Now showing private messages between Kryoz and FuckBoi

Kryoz: ur ex?

FuckBoi: I told you what you wanted to know now fuck off

Kryoz: nope not yet, lucas

Kryoz: tell me about your ex

FuckBoi: why do you even care about all this?

Kryoz: well sorry I'm more concerned about who stabbed your boyfriend more than you are

FuckBoi: he's fine right now, isn't he?

Kryoz: you know what Lucas there's no need to be a dick about this, of you really don't give a shit about who stabbed your boyfriend then that's up to you, ok

Kryoz: I won't tell Evan about your little secret either

FuckBoi: what secret

Kryoz: you know what secret Lucas

FuckBoi: ........

FuckBoi: this is Evan

Kryoz: oh Shit well I gotta go

FuckBoi: John wtf is going on

Kryoz: I promised Lucas not to tell you

Kryoz: so I'll show you instead

Kryoz has sent two attachments

Kryoz: I'm sorry

FuckBoi: it's fine, I'm fine, really

Text Mate (BBS Crew Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now