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Witness-Protection Program

FuckBoi: evannnnnn

BirthingCoach: babeeeeeee

WildHoe: evvvvvvvvvvvv

CheeseMeFather: guys it is six am on a Saturday what the fuck

Four07: whOMST TF

RoastMasterV2: yea? I'm about to head to the gym what do u need?

Moo: the gym? Who tf r u

RoastMasterV2: lol, I'm still me, just wanted to go to the gym today

BasicallyIDoWrk: did you just fucking use 'lol'???? Dude go back to bed

RoastMasterV2: don't u have homework to do or r u studying something else

Moo: damn tired Evan is a savage

Zoyrk: douche Evan is best Evan

RoastMasterV2: I'm sorry I didn't mean that, what did u need?

FuckBoi: I wanted us all to hang out today

BirthingCoach: I wanted u to know that I love you <3

WildHoe: I was being a follower

RoastMasterV2: yea sure we can all hang out later, now I gtg guys later

FuckBoi: later


Don't Tell

FuckBoi: everyone but me got a happy ending, you know that?

FuckBoi: John and Tyler are still together, even after I exposed him

FuckBoi: Marcel and Brock worked things out

FuckBoi: David and Scott r a thing now

FuckBoi: where's my happy ending?

FuckBoi: when do I get the universe handed to me on a silver platter? When do I get to finally be happy?

FuckBoi: I'm glad Evan is happy, even if I know deep down that this path he's going down is wrong, I'm trying to support him, because he's still in my life

FuckBoi: I just want something to go right for me, you know? That's all I want

FuckBoi: is that too much to ask for?

WildHoe: ik it's hard rn, but you'll find it, Lucas, you will

FuckBoi: don't lie to me, Tyler

WildHoe: you just have to find it


Now showing private messages between FuckBoi and Legiqn

FuckBoi: I think we should talk about what happened between us

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