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Ya girl might be seeing BTS in September bois (if mom decides to buy the tickets when they go on sale XD [so like probs not but I have hope])


Now showing private messages between BirthingCoach and RoastMasterV2

BirthingCoach: why the fuck are there five phone numbers on your desk

BirthingCoach: and why do they all have girls' names on them?

RoastMasterV2: ok imma be real I legit thought I threw those out ages ago

RoastMasterV2: they're from a long ass time ago when I went to the mall with Tyler, ask him he knows what I'm talking about

BirthingCoach: r u cheating on me

RoastMasterV2: of course not why would I do that babe

RoastMasterV2: what reason do I have to cheat on you

BirthingCoach: what reason did everyone else have?

RoastMasterV2: but I'm not cheating on you babe

BirthingCoach: you have five numbers on your desk

RoastMasterV2: five numbers that I didn't even know were there chill

BirthingCoach: just because I'm living in Canada doesn't mean u can pull this sort of shit Evan

RoastMasterV2: i haven't done anything, they're just numbers, you can throw them away idc

BirthingCoach: because they're already in your phone?

RoastMasterV2: why are you accusing me without any evidence?

BirthingCoach: the evidence is right on your desk

RoastMasterV2: I haven't done anything, babe

RoastMasterV2: I promise

BirthingCoach: I don't believe you

RoastMasterV2: why not?

BirthingCoach: ur a lot more depressed than last time I saw you Evan, what's wrong? You cheating on someone?

RoastMasterV2: ur being ridiculous, okay? My mental health is not evidence for your ludicrous ideas, alright?

RoastMasterV2: here's a news flash Jon, I have depression, it gets worse, it gets better at times, just because it's hitting me harder does not mean I'm cheating on you

BirthingCoach: I beg to differ

RoastMasterV2: you're blaming me over nothing, you know that? You can't use my mental health as your reasoning

BirthingCoach: you can't call it a disorder just to get out of this, Evan

RoastMasterV2: it's a real disorder that I have, Jonathan. I went to a therapist for it

BirthingCoach: oh really? You're not going to a therapist now

RoastMasterV2: I found out that therapists don't work for me, they were making it worse

BirthingCoach: when you get home I want free range of your phone

RoastMasterV2: what? No

BirthingCoach: because you're cheating on me

RoastMasterV2: because my phone has private information on it, because it's my private, personal device

BirthingCoach: I don't believe you, Evan

RoastMasterV2: what have I done?

RoastMasterV2: if I cheated on you I would've told you, honest

RoastMasterV2: Jon pls answer me

RoastMasterV2: Jon pls

RoastMasterV2: Jon I'm freaking out pls

RoastMasterV2: don't do this

RoastMasterV2: babe, help me

RoastMasterV2: babe?

RoastMasterV2: have to go, talk later

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