Regret (Lucius x Harry)

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Harry didn't know if this was a good or bad decision, but it was probably the latter.

Music blared loudly, lights flashed, people danced.

"Jesus." Harry muttered, pushing his way through dancing couples. There must be a free spot somewhere... ah, there! He quickly sat down in the corner of the room, glad to see that only a cat occupied it. The furry creature curled up in his lap, Harry decided that this cat would be the highlight of the party.

"Wow, Harry Potter was actually invited to the party!" Harry looked up at the person. This was Lucius Malfoy, he was powerful and liked. He said this with no malice, his tone showed shock.

"And here I am, sitting in the corner of the house with a cat, just trying to not get stepped on." The blond laughed and sat down next to him.

"Well you're not alone now!"

"I wasn't alone before you came along. I had the cat." Harry retorted, making Malfoy laugh again.

"You're witty, I like that." The shorter male scoffed. "So, why'd you come? James has told me several times that you loathe parties."

"James gets drunk easily and he always whines when hungover." Malfoy grinned.

"There isn't another reason? Like you came because you always feel that you're an antisocial loser that doesn't belong and you want to fit in just once?" Harry scowled.

"I'm assuming that James told you that I was an antisocial loser that doesn't fit in. Let me tell you that James is afraid of not fitting in, he would never challenge anyone above him and he will never change." Lucius's brows rose.

"Do you agree with him?" Harry shrugged.

"Yeah, but at least I have a personality and opinions." The blond whistled.

"Mm. Well I would go stop him from playing truth or dare. He's already drunk."

"Goddamn it." Harry cursed, setting the cat down and running around to find his brother.


"Harry, did you come to play with us?" James slurred, giggling drunkenly. About fifteen people sat on the ground in a circle.

"No, we're going home."

"But I don't wanna!" He cried, arms crossed. Harry let out a long breath.

"James, please just listen to me."

"I'll go home if I can dare you to do something." The emerald eyed man sighed.

"Fine, Jesus Christ." He sat down, glaring at those who looked at him.

"I dare you to go in the closet with... Lucius, give me a name." Harry didn't notice him come in. The male tapped his chin in thought.

"How about me?"

"But you're both guys! Pick a girl." Ginny Weasley, who definitely fancies him, suggested.

"No. I wouldn't force poor Harry to have to do that. He's not straight anyway." Harry sputtered.

"What the fuck, Malfoy? There's no way in hel-" James giggled and pushed them into the closet, closing it quickly. The closet was very small. Their chests touched, Harry groaned. "Why me?" He mumbled.

"Why not you?" Malfoy questioned, brushing the hair out of the shorter male's eyes. Harry flinched.

"Don't touch me." He tried to sound demanding, but his voice wavered.

"You don't sound very confident, love."

"'Love'? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm stuffed into some closet with you and you suddenly call me 'love'?"

"I wonder how long they're keeping us in here? James didn't say."

"Oh my god. What if they forget about us? What if the police come? What if-"

"Shhh. We'll just have more time that way."

"More time for what?" Harry cried.

"For this." Lucius pressed their lips together, Harry froze. It was nice, he had to admit this. Malfoy's lips were soft and gentle, not demanding or harsh.

"O-oh." He stammered once Lucius pulled away. The blond smirked.

"Opinions?" Harry felt daring now, why not continue kissing? He lent forward and connected their lips once again. Lucius seemed to like this. He laid his hands on Harry's hips and picked him up, pressing his back against the wall.

Harry felt many emotions at that moment. Arousal, lust, pleasure. Regret was not one of them.

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