Wish You Were Here (Severus x Harry)

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A/N: Hey there, readers. I hope that you like this chapter, feel free to play the song while you read. It's kind of long, so the song probably won't be over by the time you're done with the chapter... unless you read really slow. Anyway, Pink Floyd is a cool band, their songs are pretty good.

Harry didn't mind being alone, but he was seriously missing a very important person.

That person was his husband, Severus Snape. He was on a business trip for a few weeks. Sev had a nice job and had many friends. Harry, on the other hand, was the owner of a bakery and had very few friends.

Harry sometimes thought that this wasn't fair, but nothing in life is fair. Besides, Harry has his loyal and loving husband. What more could he ask for? They were both healthy and had decent lives. Asking for more would be selfish, at least that's what Harry thinks.

Severus always scolds him for being too humble and having low standards. Harry just thinks that it is cute.

"Ugh, Sev's only been gone for a few days and I'm already lonely. Being married has truly made me go soft." Harry sighed, "I suppose that it's made me a bit crazy too, I'm talking to a bunch of goldfish." The orange fish - named Fred and George - swam around their fishbowl, darting around and running into the walls occasionally. Harry scowled. "Stop that, you'll hurt yourselves! Who will I talk to if you die?" Harry picked up his phone and called Severus. He waited for the man to pick up patiently.

"Hello, Severus Snape speaking. Who is it?" Harry's heart warmed at his smooth, deep voice.

"It's Harry. I don't want to sound clingy or something, but I already miss you." He pouted, even though Severus wouldn't be able to see it.

"I miss you too, go to bed. I'll be back soon enough." Harry sighed deeply, two weeks wasn't soon enough.

"It's my birthday tomorrow." He said quietly, fingers tapping the arm of his chair anxiously.

"I know, your present is coming tomorrow." The man reassured, he was calm and collected as always.

"You got me a present?" Severus scoffed.

"Of course I did! Now go sleep, dear. I love you." Harry smiled sadly, just wishing that Severus was with him.

"I love you too, goodnight." Severus hung up. They weren't one of those cheesy couples that always said for the other go hang up first.

Harry changed into pajamas and sprinkled food into the fishbowl, watching as the fish swam to the surface and ate the flakes. He crawled into bed, pulling Sev's pillow to his chest.

It smelled like Severus.


"Harry, love, get up." Severus kissed his husband's cheek. Harry stirred, eyes fluttering open.


"Good morning, Harry." The petite man sat up and wrapped his arms around Severus's waist.

"When did you get back? I thought you were working." Severus smiled and stroked his husbands silky hair.

"I just got back a few minutes ago. I decided to put some extra hours on and surprise you by coming home early." Harry grinned and pecked his lips.

"That's so sweet." Harry looked out the window, it was still dark. He looked at the alarm clock, it read 2:17 am. "We should probably go to sleep." Severus changed and crawled into bed next to his husband.

Severus positioned Harry and himself so they were spooning.

"You smell nice." The taller man said, burying his nose into the crook of Harry's neck. He slid his hands up the back of Harry's shirt. The emerald eyed male shivered, but didn't move away.

"Your hands are cold." He twisted and turned, rubbing his hands against Sev's to heat them.

"And yours are nice and warm."


Severus stretched and looked at the sleeping figure besides him.

Harry really was gorgeous. He had porcelain skin, healthily flushed cheeks, and long, dark lashes. On top of that, Harry had a wonderful personality. Sure, he was a bit timid and acted fragile at times, but these things made Severus love him even more.

Snape picked up his hand, frowning at the scars on them. Most were from cooking, Harry had a habit of accidentally cutting and burning himself.

"What're you doing?" Harry murmured tiredly.

"Just looking at you. Happy 30th birthday. We can go open your present now."

"Mm, you're my present and you are the best birthday present that I've been given." Severus rolled his eyes fondly and stood, picking Harry up easily and carrying him into the living room. Harry whined softly in protest, afraid of being dropped.

Luckily, he wasn't dropped, but gently set on the couch. Severus handed him a wrapped box, smiling.

"Go ahead, open it." Harry carefully tore the paper off and folded it, making his husband chuckle. "You needn't be careful." Harry flushed and opened the box, smiling brightly.

It was a cookbook and a mug with a cupcake on it.

"Aww, thanks Sev." Harry kissed him with a grin. "I'll start breakfast."

"But it's your birthday, I can't make you cook!"

"Don't worry, Sev. I enjoy cooking."

"Well I sure hope you do. You own a bakery, after all." Harry rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen.

Severus watched him leave, smirking. No one good feel the joy he did at that moment, just happy that Harry loved him.

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